Warriors currently worst class in Shadowlands?

I somehow doubt you do.

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Iam serious Only time I wont is when dk. Or some times some hunters. But dk got nerfed and i just got buffed ms and slam by 20 and 25%. Iam not saying 100% I top but 80% of i do. Unless its a a fight mechanic designed for ranged.

I believe you, my friend is arms and I’m Fury. He is top dps most the times in mythics, hell even me as Fury I’m top dps sometimes in mythics. It’s the raid where the dps falls off compared to other classes.


not with Condemn anyway


Condemn doesn’t magically make arms a faster paced spec. In fact it actually would lower the apm, as it eats so much rage.

What are you talking about.

Do you know what anecdotal evidence is? You’re playing with bad players man.

You seem to be confused. Fury is the one with two weapons. I know Arms being plural can throw that off, but it is what it is.


How can you call prot the worst tank when complexity-limit has brought prot to all the world 1st on mythic so far
 and they are crushing keys.

Because people for some reason think there’s this massive gap between tanks right now when tank balance is ridiculously close.

You have yet to provide any proof either derez. Warriors are confirmed the worst class in the game. Once again! Check the logs and other sources. They all scream warriors blow.


You expect me to prove a negative?


That doesn’t look nearly as bad a picture as you’re painting.

And I still have yet to see any evidence to prot being garbage or incapable.

The only thing you have a leg to stand on with is that fury is currently undertuned, which I challenge you to find me stating otherwise, anywhere.

Do you have any idea how inane it is to simply say “check the logs”.

I just linked you logs. Now the question becomes, what logs? Different fights will have differing amounts. And that’s not to mention what difficulty, as mythic is the only truly relevant metric, yet there’s not really enough data yet.

I’d love to have an informed discussion, but this is like dealing with someone that’s just yelling gibberish.

Good! Now use the link you provided me and look at the dps differences between each class. Then report to your daddy after reviewing the data. You will see warriors are far below. Also, link me your highest io and your best raid achievement as well. I feel like you’re some scrub just trolling. One more thing! You’re not informative at all. You’re just a condescending individual who spends 24/7 on forums spitting out false information. Numbers don’t lie! https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26#dataset=100.

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You’re right, they don’t. That link puts fury at 17 and arms at 10. Not breaking any records, but that’s not exactly far below.

One of us is resorting to insults. And it’s not me.

I think I spend far less time on the forums than you assume.

The problem with your link is yours assumes the TOP percentile ONLY, if you lower that to something more average such as 75, the picture is much clearer.

This is equal to simming your character, that sim is IF you perform PERFECTLY. So is your data set, which as anyone who raids knows its RARE this happens.

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Why would you care about what people playing poorly are doing.

It’s not, actually. The sim does not play perfectly.

Because perfect play is near impossible, just further proving you are a troll.


How perfect do you have to play in order to approach your sim upper bound? Do you know how quickly DPS decays as you make mistakes?

If you have no idea, then you shouldn’t be so confident in dismissing sims for personal evaluation over logs that have their own laundry list of issues.

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I wasn’t dismissing either, I was saying Simming is a perfect situation with a small variance, and his chart only showing 100% performance is far from average raiding results. The average player who raids is going to make mistakes, things happen.

So for him to say the 100% bracket is a clear showing of what DPS rankings are currently is a farce.

You can’t just dismiss other data sets that don’t confirm your bias, you have to address them. Why is Fury’s avg in 75th the worst, but the max is almost 10% higher than Frost DKs max, when Frost is 9th on average?

What aspects of the raid, in aggregate, distort the statistics? If you remove one boss from the aggregate and look again at 100th percentile do you get a different story? In other words, is the raid max distorted by a fight suited to Fury, and if so, shouldn’t that fight create an even higher top end for Fury? Do mistakes have anything to do with this whatsoever? Likely not.

It does no good whatsoever to just confirm biases back and forth. If you really want to prove Fury is bottom tier you have to do more work than linking the first graph you see that highlights your point.

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That’s such a vague statement it’s almost impressive.

In a standard situation? It’s not even remotely impossible.

When additional and variable factors are thrown in, it rapidly becomes more difficult, certainly.

The thing is, most of the time factors that affect performance are beyond your control. What you can control is almost always well within reason to avoid errors.

And I think you missed it, so I’ll state one more time; the sim does not play perfectly.

If we’re talking about what specs are capable of, then the only factor that should be taken into account is playing optimally. Poor play should not be considered when you’re talking about whether specs are weak or strong.

Secondly, we’re so ridiculously early in the tier, the top logs are not overly abused for parsing. They’re far more representative of proper play, than they will in a few short weeks/months.