Warriors currently worst class in Shadowlands?

Okay, but let’s stop talking in generalities about vague design goals.

There are 10, 20, or even 30% margins that could be hiding in that general statement. It could still be true that all tanks are weaker to magic damage than to physical damage, whereas one tank might have the ability to mitigate an additional 15% more magic damage over the course of an encounter.

The statement would still be true, but you would have to get into the weeds to really parse out whether one tank had more mitigation than another.

If used on pull, it generates a ton of snap threat. When somebody has a 20% threat margin, you might as well be spitting at the mob.

Has to be used carefully. If you can reset the threat with a taunt, it’s huge threat.

I’ve pretty much given up and just started tossing Ravager on mobs before charging in. Seems to work. Also, we get +10% threat now.

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Yeah, I was doing this early on every other pack, and during mid pack using Heroic Leap and Dragon’s Roar instead of Charge/Shockwave/Revenge. They all seem to work ok to get some early DR and aggro.

My frustration has definitely been on split mobs where Revenge doesn’t hit all, and they don’t move to me (ranged types). I usually spend a good 4s running around trying to Shield Slam an off target. But I feel that’s by design, so I mark those targets, and try to prioritize threat and pray healer doesn’t peel the others before I can tag.

easy fix. Make your own. cant get turned down

Split mobs and streaming adds have always been painful for me since I started tanking in Wrath.

Ravager is a godsend, because we can throw it, it follows the mobs, does ticking damage and has a big enough radius to pick up ranged and streaming adds. I’ve never had anything like this before.

Spear’s radius is not big enough and I mostly have to place it when adds are already stacked.

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Such a long thread for no reason. The short answer is NO. You are very welcome.

Agreed. Thats where the tanking comes in. I got complacent with BfA stuff.

Pretty sure Hunters were the strongest class in Wrath if we’re going by PvE and PvP performance.

Decided to pick up WoW again for the first time since MoP on my Warrior. Did my part learning how the specs now work and all that. Can’t say I’m happy with how difficult it is to get invited to do anything.


warriors being bad at the beginning of an xpac is most certainly a false statement

Currently warriors are in the same position they generally are in at release. Middle of the mall, very gear dependent, but reliable class. Give us 2 raid tiers and we will be back to being the top melee dps.

Icyveins isnt the end all be all

Warrior tanks have a good kit and it doesnt need to be changed. L2 rage

Warrior is far from the worst class lmfao, it might have low representation but its def not bottom of the barrel.

The problem is that you have two things to look at.

A) class damage and utility
B) spec damage and utility

Many classes can just say, oh, B) isn’t great for X, let’s use my other damage spec instead for this season. Typically warriors can do this because at least one of their two damage specs is performing at least “middle of the mall,” as you said.

If you have neither A nor B above what, say, the best hunter, warlock, mage, rogue, DK spec can output, you’re going to be worse off than someone playing those specs until they bring them in line. It’s virtually guaranteed that at least one spec for rogue, mage, warlock, hunter is going to be viable as they have 3 DPS specs to choose from at any given time with wide variances in performance.

For the most part the first tuning pass was very mild and wowhead is suggesting pretty bluntly on their article today that they need another 5-10% tuning on Fury. I guess it will remain to be seen where Arms ultimately places. Wowhead is saying that the Mortal Strike debuff amounts to about a 4% buff with Condemn.

There’s so many variables it’s kind of hard to do any realistic meta analysis, but player perception is the really key component. If players feel like you will underperform based on what wowhead, icyveins, whatever online source told them to think a certain way, you might get dumpster binned from higher level content and struggle a bit to progress when gear is light.

I don’t think it will take 2 tiers for at least A) to get to the point it needs to, but you’d be right to be rather annoyed if you spent 75 grand on legos for the redheaded stepchild spec. That’s kind of across the board, though. I think people who started middle of the road probably will have it better off right out the gate. Another reason why the spec-specific legendary gating system infuriates me, but so it goes.

Someone who had a spec out the gate that they could plot around, that wasn’t going to be changed throughout has had a leg up on legendary progression.

This is not a bloody thing.

and add another variable to the equation.

covenant dependency!

warriors necrolords are worst warriors

I have a feeling that Necrolord is going to get buffed soon and become insane.

You like pooling rage to hit Ignore Pain?

Fury needs to be fast as if not faster than arms, and now it’s not the case, at least with Condemn on the rotation

Fury is faster than arms. That is not debatable.


If we’re buffed. Which they could do today. If we’re not buffed, we won’t be. We’ll be worse actually. Are you even checking how the data pans out? The classes that do more damage than us (i.e. all of them) widen the gap between us and them as gear comes in.

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There is no way they are looking at logs and leaving Fury and Arms like this!

htt ps://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26/

Idk where u guys get ur numbers . I top dps mythic + and raid … Most of the time. Call Me Huge Arms Cody

I do decently in mythics, but in raid I’m mid to low dps depending on fight. A really good buff to Fury would be nice!