fury is being memed on reddit and so at this rate will be fine in 9.2 when transparent bliz overcompensates
imo arms could still use a single target increase or something to make our execute the strongest execute;wouldn’t mind a world where execute leggo is really good.
spec has nothing exciting going for it outside of arenas. condemn dmg is as offensive as BFA DW imo. am not looking forward to the spam for multiple tiers.
you’re ONLY looking WCL, which is incredibly dumb of you to do. You’re comparing how many venth warriors to how many kyrian/NF warriors?
I also think it’s safe to assume that the top raiding warriors are going venth, because that 3% matters to them. Use sims, which clearly show ~3% difference.
Please refer to the above post.
You can’t base all your evidence on warcraft logs when the pools are so incredibly different between each cov. Your theories are under the assumption that ALL warriors have the same player skill level, which is just not the case.
Venthyr has such a far and away lead in terms of pure popularity and data pool. The performance gap is inexplicably, noticeably greater than any sims show.
This is the literal exact same scenario that specs have had for years. One spec is slightly stronger, so it’s played more, and the gap appears greater than it actually is.
Ever wonder why when fire mage is 12% ahead of arcane, arcane only receives a 4-6% buff? It’s not actually an example of Blizzard being terrible at balancing. The difference in reality is not 12%, it simply appears that way due to how the data is skewed.
This has been a thing for almost two decades now. It’s astounding you do not understand the simple concept.
Yeah it’s kinda nice though in Nathria I don’t believe this is going to actually help on the fights where Fury’s single-target suffers due to fight design. Our cooldowns aren’t strong enough to warrant playing Fury over Arms on Sludgefist, and the downtime on every other single-target fight will still be punishing. Should set us up nicely to be less hated in M+ (even though we weren’t even below-average there) and for the next tier maybe?
I still kinda wish Fury’s available cooldowns got some sort of re-design. Fight downtime is just incredibly punishing compared to something like Retribution whose major cooldown is super strong.
Maybe. Just as an example though, look at your fight on SW. If you did 205 more dps (8% of what you did), that would put you as the 6th dps on a totally ST fight with lots of downtime. You don’t think that’s a respectable place for fury? You even did more than the 202 ilvl arms in the group. Maybe I am being too optimistic?
I dont have that much problem. Im doing great on PVE, PVP well in BFA i couldnt even hurt DKs druids rouges DHs Pallys etc. Now i can kill them pretty easy. i would say warrior is slightly better than few classes. Thats just my opinion of course. Im also not pro player.
I have to agree, at least as far as leveling with lower IL gear. I have many of the other classes. We have a small group that quests and does 'chieves. We just like to have an hour or two of fun now and then. I leveled my rogue, then mage, shammy, warlock, pally and Death Knight, did priest and THEN did warrior. I was killed more on the warrior - even with an escort - than any other class. Okay, I get it. Some folks believe they could actually make a living playing this game, but all this is to me is a game. so the answer for me and my small group of amateurs was easy, play another class until some time in the distant future when that particular class gets to be a gimp then, perhaps I can go back to warrior. - - UPDATE - - A friend took me aside and showed me the changes and that helped allot. The bigger help was he set aside the bad information I had gotten from someone I knew who played on the PTR server. That fellow told me, “Whatever you do, don’t go fury on your warrior!” That was actually backwards, for my style. Everything changed after I switched to fury. I got a lot more killing blows, which allowed me to heal between fights with Victory Rush. This really makes me wonder what they did to make the arms and prot specs so very different than before!