That makes sense because Ion said that threat isn’t supposed to be a mechanic you need to pay much attention to as a tank. Any time a tank has to struggle to hold threat, it’s a mistake they plan to fix. His response in the Sloot interview was something along the lines of If you are actively attacking the mob, holding threat shouldn’t be a problem, and you should only lose threat if you are ignoring the mob.
Key words there, and hopefully with this upcoming fix, kiting will end up being less of a thing. Remains to be seen though.
Just tossing in my 2 cents on warrior being the worst.
Prot is ok but other tank classes can handle “oh crap” moments better like our pally tank using LoH on the OT when healers are pressed
Arms is in its usual weird place where your either blowing things up or taking a nap, it will change places as it always has
Fury is definitely great with a good team in mythic + for trash but tyrannical will make you whimper,in raid…well I got kicked from guild team fury just isn’t bringing it enough right now though all melee classes are suffering with the downtime bosses in Nathria cause I think a good way to bounce back from downtime which has always punished fury hard would do wonders, also while I haven’t noticed the dmg taken increase my healers keep making jokes I need to lose the cloth armor if I wanna be in melee despite ER being crazy when you have it
So here’s the thing.
Warriors scale with gear.
It’s the start of the expac…
Once we’re a few patches along we’ll shred at both tanking and be an S-tier dps in final raid patch.
It has always been this way…
This literally hasn’t been a thing since wotlk. Warriors do not scale any better with gear than any other classs.
Warriors currently suck in raid because of design flaws, not because of gear scaling. Fury has had almost a 30% aura buff since prepatch and is still terrible outside of AoE or high execute range fights.
Why warriors suck:
Lack of a decent “big cooldown”. Look at sludgefist logs, literally shows you which specs have good cooldowns to produce high burst windows, which warriors do not.
Execute is no longer execute; warriors get out dps’ed (especially fury) in execute ranges where they are literally suppose to shine.
It’s amazing that so many people repeat something that hasn’t been true in over a decade.
The problem is many things, in my opinion. Mainly speaking on a PvP level.
For me personally, Blizzards focus on the Warrior is too directed towards ‘Only Physical, No Range’ design. This has flawed the class for so many expansions outside relying on a decent team rather than your own skill set when many other classes have options that actually matter.
Too many abilities that do basically similar things. Do we really need a Cleave when we have Sweeping Strikes? Do we really need to manage our Offence with our Defense? This isn’t Vanilla anymore with dedicated Stances. Do we really need Slam when we have Whirlwind? Why does Hamstring share a Global? Why does Rend do little damage and costs a ton of Rage? Why cant Ignore Pain be usable while stunned, when the Warrior needs it the most?
Their are so many issues with the class that Blizzard has over complicated it for little to no reward.
In saying all that, i still enjoy the challenge of playing Arms as its incredibly rewarding when played right, its just so many other classes can do Warrior things only better with little hassle.
All classes scale better with gear, all classes preform better with a healer, these use to be the Warrior’s strengths, its not anymore.
Just my 2 cents.
nah, im the best
I agree completely. I have played warrior for 18 years. All I do is level it to max and let it sit. Then get on my pally and kick butt tanking… It makes me sad wow just does not care about this class at all. It is almost as if they want it to be horrible.
The fix would be very easy., All they need to do is just adjust it so if you pick protection all of your rage using abilities generate threat… DONE. How hard is that. And as far as DPS. Increase the damage percentages slightly.
But they won’t do that because it would require actual work!