Warriors currently worst class in Shadowlands?

The literal only weapons I’ve got since hitting 60 is the 1h from mists… 3 times. Once on heroic and twice on m0.

I bought the boe 190 sword so I could play arms.

I’ll admit that I’m a filthy casual in m+ and I only pug raid, but I did enough to get 5 choices in my first vault and 6 in my second. No weapons.

Feels bad.

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Arms is not good or bad. Fury is bad. Every other class has a superior DPS spec option. So as far as DPS is concerned for an entire class (not spec), Warrior is the worst class. The thread title is sadly factually accurate if you only include DPS, I have not looked into tanking yet.

P.S. This factual analysis remains true even when using the unreliable 95-100% percentiles. Something we subjectively argue about here, just to throw that out.

Objectively worst DPS class brought to world first Mythic Sire kill. Someone tell Limit they would have had an easier time with an Outlaw Rogue or another UH DK, they must not know Warrior is the worst, factually.

Also TIL: DPS specs are only good for their DPS, no further analysis required.


Warrior is objectively the worst DPS class going by WCL, including the laughable 95-100% percentile some people here use.

Your red-herring about battle shout doesn’t change that fact.

The worst part about this attempt at a counter argument is that it always leaves out Rally, like helping your entire raid survive mechanics to help secure a kill isn’t noteworthy in the face of 5% melee attack power.

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It a red-herring.

Many of us were strictly discussing DPS for a few pages. Even your boy, specifically from the WCL data set that shows Warrior as the worst DPS as a class.

[quote=“Derez-zuljin, post:191, topic:771136”] But I must ask, what did you hope to accomplish here?

Please, please ask yourself that question.

I thought it was obvious you only brought a warrior for the shouts? Its not for the DPS they provide, as other classes are way better at it than us. If it wasn’t for the shout a DPS warrior would not be brought at all. If you watched the Limit Stream, Max even showed the DPS meters at the end of the fight. The warrior came in last, despite there being a long execute phase, and no the warrior did not die during the fight either.

I still don’t like the idea that I’m forced to pick a covenant to do specific content. A lot of people, like you did, say that warriors aren’t complete dogcrap in specific content as long as you pick certain covenant.

Do you see how messed up that reads? Also, we are waay below avg comparing it to most other class/specs in any if not all content.

Everyone keeps saying this but one reason we might look low in M+ is because too many warriors went Venthyr thinking it was a requirement for raiding (it’s not unless you’re raiding Mythic).

Given, warrior doesn’t bring enough to the table to justify taking for extreme high key pushing, but in a 10 I can easily hold my own if not completely do top damage across the run (or tie, at the least). The players I run with do well enough to hold their own and get 70-75%+ percentile parses, so I’d find it tough to believe my experience is an anomaly.

When people bring it up in my guild. I tell them, yep, I’m a support character and not even a good one. :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s unfortunate because we get beaten by better dps that support better than us as well.

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My point was that we shouldn’t be relying on borrowed power to be good in specific content.

We aren’t showing below avg in m+ because some warriors are choosing venth; there are people choosing the best cov for m+ and still being below avg.

Limit Warrior: “Warriors suck. I am a utility simp. Don’t play this class.”

A spec so strong it can have “below average” DPS and still be part of the world first strategy from the best guild in the world. Give me those buffs, we won’t stop until we’re the equivalent to UH DK with AMZ. Then we’ll be balanced.

Also I don’t care what he said, unfortunately. Even with full context and timing information instead of text from a stranger, Limit doesn’t waste slots for the lols when they’re racing for WF.

The question is: how do you properly balance a spec when their utility seems so strong that their damage output isn’t impairing their potential representation at the absolute highest level? How would you?

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As they also had a warrior tank…you’re going to want to reconsider this one.


Edit: I thought I saw someone mentioned that even the Limit tank was not impressed with prot warriors, but I would need to find the source on that.

Whatever they thought of them, whatever they brought them for, that’s all hugely debatable. What’s not debatable is they weren’t just brought for shout. One warrior brings shout just as well as two. If there’s two warriors in a raid, they’re there for something other than shout.


Do you really think that our below average dmg , battle shout, and rally are worth having over a different class?

I’m fully aware of what I seek to accomplish.

So, first thing, he was not last.

Second thing, arms is objectively very strong for the final two fights.

Third, if you’re going to quote Max instead of thinking for yourself, you may as well quote where he stated that their strat was far inferior for the boss than Echo’s, which you can see by how Revvez performed compared to Atrocity.


I love when people keep quoting what guilds like echo and limit say before progression is over.

You know, when they’re both specifically giving out misinformation.


Limit does, and I trust them more than me.

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