Warriors currently worst class in Shadowlands?

Arms is debatable. Fury I think should, certainly.

This is 100% a you problem, though. The spec being weak has nothing to do with you losing to tanks, or people 25ilvl below you.

Lol wut! I iz just saying hi :grimacing::open_hands:

Oh and giving pats.


Yo don’t mind him bro, he admitted on a previous thread that he has autism. So essentially he has an EQ score of 20 or lower (emotional quotient) which essentially means he lacks empathy and doesn’t do well reading social ques. Pretty much means he sees life almost entirely literally, so after much debate with him I have come to the understanding you gotta take him lightly because if he does in fact have high functioning autism, then you gotta try not to take his harsh criticisms so hard.

As types like this we know aren’t socialised like the rest of us. It’s a good read, go check out cognitive empathy vs social empathy, it explains a lot :ok_hand:


Well stated

There is a strong difference between ignorance of an etiquette, and intentional indifference to observing it.

It’s the basic sheeple BS that the WoW fanbase always does. Is warrior great right now? no its not… is it unplayable? No its not. My biggest problem is when tanks don’t have the awareness to leave a pack of mobs or a boss in bad and then wonder why my DPS takes a hit. Most wow players have no grasp of context, you know what does work while working as a group as a tank? Playing to your groups strengths, limiting pulls do what your DPS does best around the AoE caps and etc. Playing the dungeon the same way over and over again is just ignorant.

For what I hope are obvious reasons, I’m going to ignore part of what you said. But I must ask, what did you hope to accomplish here?

yo troll, when you swap to a sock puppet you’re not supposed to be obvious af.

It’s important Blizzard gets out in front of this and determines what exactly the problem is. You guys think it’s rough now, wait until the sheeple jump aboard the “lolWarrOMglUlz” bandwagon and start declining you for +3’s. As a Resto Shaman I am intimately familiar with how perception is reality unfortunately. At that point it wont even matter if Warriors are actually really good or not.

Blizzard should move quickly regardless, the Hybrid takeover needs to be toned down a bit.

And this is why the tidal forces at work in the anecdotal pug experience should never, ever be a data point in Blizz balancing. Too many horrible players jumping to absurd conclusions even for content designed to be easy.

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Lol whatever you say bro :joy:

I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that the current raid deals a LOT of magical damage, which warriors historically have not been able to mitigate well. The best we got is shield reflect, before that it was shield barrier but then you know, we got ignore pain instead for reasons.

Its of my opinion warriors from a tank perspective really started struggling with ignore pain, as with that change we lost the ability to keep 100% up time on shield block, and ignore pain was thrown into the mix, as up until that point warriors could keep really good and smooth damage intake, while being able to fall back on shield barrier for heavy spike. Now that damage intake is not as smooth and it feels super meh to play.

You know, like every tank.

The only fight with a high percentage of magical damage to tanks is lady darkvein.

You understand shield barrier and ignore pain are mechanically almost identical, right.

Well this thread hasn’t aged well.

Limit used a Prot Warrior on the last 3 bosses of the toughest content in the entire game right now.

Arms Warriors regularly brought for their insane execute damage.

I’m not saying representation in the top guild in the world automatically means they’re not without any issues, but i think it makes it fair to say that they’re not the worst class in the game by any stretch of the imagimation.

(Fury’s pretty meh though)


Yes but there’s a ton of mediocre warriors on this class forum that just like to whine about everything and anything.

They’ve even resorted to calling the level-headed and more experienced warriors trolls at this point. I make popcorn every night and just read this forum (:


Yeah Fury warrior is pretty meh now only good for M+ that’s it even then if arms get’s right set up done they’re useless spec :frowning:

Limit’s Prot warrior said don’t bother copying him. It’s a bad tank.

You can’t make that statement and leave out that important detail.

He also said that the entire guild agreed to lie about what they were going to play, or why, until the race was over.


How bout we don’t attack people like that, this ain’t coolio.


And one impportant thing is that now it’s almost impossible to get good 2 hand weapons, the pvp is trash and the 200ilvl it’s impossible to get because of the limit of points, soo you have to get lucky with a mythic + that it’s giving 1 item after 6 or 7 runs, or you go for the raid that’s impossible to play well with any warrior right now, maybe tank otherwise it’s really hard. To finish to play as fury like me you need 2 two hand weapons… one weapon it’s allready hard to get…but 2…forget it