i love how we all collectively state how broken warriors are in pvp and the responses are truly weird like they actually believe they are good and thats what is saving them each round HAHAHAHA
YALL are so broken and whats sad is you play with full knowledge but will never admit that you only win because blizzard favors you.
Literally have stuns/CC on a rolling CD have mobility to counter every class and damage/healing from doing absolutely nothing strategic just slapping your keyboard like a Neanderthal.
The worst part is the gaslighting… you guys try to pretend like you need buffs and youre struggling but god damn you guys have everything in the world at your disposal.
It pretty sad how you guys truly think you have skill and dont realize how difficult the game REALLY is for real players.
Demon hunters im also talking to you but your run is only situational however warriors been constantly OP forever.
I love how the only XpAC that had a melee repellant(blood horror) you guys were trash and couldnt keep up. Prolly cause you actually had to think for a change…
Blizz didnt like their baby warriors getting beat up so they removed the talent forever and made sure to give spell reflect to you guys because lord knows if we were equal you guys would be in the dirt.
/spit …dont @ me
I have 21 warriors yet still play every class ik how to play every class to 2k but main warrior does that make me bad? also all last season splay was farming warriors and rn the number 1 enemy is dhs.
hey half of them are sitting at 60 or 70 the other half are in my character restoration. gotta have every race I’m just a mud 2.0 but I’m not r1 nor do I want to be.
who tf has that many warriors except someone that knows they are broken and gets THAT MUCH enjoyment in winning across multiple characters of the same class… just proves my point even more.
Are you telling me you have a 2k CR aff lock or did you miss the part where i say you counter us totally?
Some more gaslighting as usual. Warriors are fine just the way they are blah blah blah
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Im not playing affy rn playing destro and demo affy is just garbanzo did have my destro at 2.4 mmr in 3’s tho same with sp mage and ele also have i think 6 locks having fun with it right now espcially in the all melee lobbies. i wanted to play affy but it just isn’t that great compared to Destro and demo.
warriors arent broken though.
says a warrior… Maybe youre one fo the few that doesnt use autokick in arena who knows
Rerolling is pretty easy and all you have to do is just get your honor gear rn if you don’t like what you’re playing. Some stuff is probably gonna get nerfed pretty hard but if you’re that frustrated maybe you should start now and play something that feels a little more natural to you.
Big warlock at it again. i dont wanna hear a lock say anything about anything with how gross destro and demo are atm. front page at a glance is mostly locks and DH and yet DH is the only one getting the hate. Lock should catch as many nerfs as DH.
I mean i just post on the forums ty for the clout 
I thought that auto kick script macro ish was fixed a while ago i read?
more warlock gaslighting as per usual, warlocks are the enemy of the people, dont let their dark twisted magic corrupt you.
Warrior’s need a mobility nerf.
How would you go about adjusting Warrior mobility?
By giving us alter time with 3 blinks
Warrior is the most balanced melee
I’ll stop moving so much if you do too 
Coming from a healer in SS especially with majority of my lobbies being all melee I don’t think warriors are the biggest problem right now, but its still early. No 4 sets, full gear, etc.
Donate me your all melee lobbies first 2 matches of the season on my arms at 1900 mmr triple caster still went 5-1 but holy is it miserable.