Warriors skated by again... Keep on "gaslighting" em bois

not a single thing mentioned about warriors…

we did it.

keep “gaslighting” em


I’m sorry, what?

someone made a post that had several views talking about warriors gaslighting, this wasn’t even a day ago. I tried finding it but couldn’t.

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And this warranted the creation of its own thread?


Warrior can’t possible be good because then people wouldn’t be stuck at the rating they are


im free to make a thread if i want. get off my tail. its always you KENNIE.


You don’t have one. :dracthyr_a1:

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how do you know, here you go again

Pointless threads are made all the time not sure why you feel the need to call out this one


Because he’s implying that Arms is bad when it’s very clearly not.

I think he’s acknowleding that arms is really solid and actually needs tuning but all of the copium threads from warrior players/the pitchfork threads against DH let Arms slip under the radar

(Which isn’t true obviously. Arms and DK is next, maybe followed by BM/lock. No clue when disc is going to be touched, not sure if Ret will be touched ever)

(P.S. please gut arcane)


That’s the intent though, Ret/War players were yelling the loudest b/c they weren’t the best by default till today. People actually had choice, and Ret/War players would rather lower the bar for everyone else instead of raising their own, which the devs support we have todays pvp changes.

No caster that can stand up to them remains in that position for a long time either. RIP shadow.

DK just got hit.

Now for the other half of this. Warlock players running around like raid bosses with huge defensives decent mobility and a tone of damage/cc. Lock/Boomy is the caster equal to Ret War. Specifically Destro.

He’s comedically referencing a post made less than a day ago where someone claimed warriors gaslight everyone into believing they aren’t S tier, even though they are.

He’s not saying they are bad.


exactly. it was intended as comedy since a lock made a thread about warriors gaslighting.

I noticed last night they didnt have warrior even on the chopping block in the blues post. Thought it was funny, reminded me of the other thread.


Is Badazz the new Dozer


probably not, I could never be anyone else other than myself.

but shoutout to dozer, whoever they are.


Will gladly do



hahaha the patrick! i love it

warrior is the epitome of balanced in pvp right now… no 1 shots or crazy burst, can be counter played. has weaknesses. Every spec should be like Arms.

Theres 3 Warriors in the top 100, if every spec only had 3-4 in top 100, game would be balanced.

1800 representation means absolutely nothing. If you watch Venruki’s newest pvp tier video he said he wont even reference population at 1800 because its too easy to get.

/end crying about warriors.

BTW the changes to DH definitely brought them down to S tier from god mode, as far as i can tell. quick fix 1st week is not that bad, nothing else is really broken, unless you get caught by a sub rogue with no trinket, thats still sketchy

Stop glazing your own spec