This forum is full of morons, I assure you I’m practiced in talking them down off their perches.
Coincidentally they’re usually paladins. Must be the brain-soft players picking the overpowered class.
This forum is full of morons, I assure you I’m practiced in talking them down off their perches.
Coincidentally they’re usually paladins. Must be the brain-soft players picking the overpowered class.
This is literally what they do, etymologists study words.
lexicographers compile dictionaries and study compilation methods to further that end.
You should honestly do this and start with the dictionary.
They study the roots of the words in chronology by definition.
Lexicographers compile the definitions of words.
They both study words, from different angles.
You’re splitting hairs to try and make a cheap point but I deny you. Both study words and you know it.
I come from the future.
I am enjoying my Shadowmourne, warriors never got a buff and are doing pretty well in ICC, in fact my guild is running 2-3 per raid.
Life is good.
Bladetsar is still rambling incoherently on the forums.
Another brain-soft paladin coming in to give their two cents.
Overrepresented in the game, overrepresented on the forums.
Words have meanings, use them properly.
You used this word wrong. Verifiably wrong.
I’d expect a brain-soft paladin to not understand basic logic.
You tried to sidle around what lexicographers do with some sophistry of “Well they compile definitions and detail other things etc. etc.”
The fact is, lexicographers study words, get over it you imbecile.
Dictionaries are literally dedicated to words and their definitions. Someone creating a dictionary would require study of words and there’s nothing really more to be said. Lexicography must entail study of words.
You’re an idiot.
This word has been applicable to every single post you have made, the irony.
You used this word wrong, keep doubling down that you didn’t.
You’re splitting hairs to make a cheap point. It’s not going to work.
Lexicography entails the study of words just as much as etymology does. To suggest lexicography isn’t the study of words is just as incorrect as saying etymology isn’t the study of words.
keep going, you haven’t even edited your original insult to be accurate.
“Them” meaning words.
You’ve already admitted you’re wrong, get over it.
I too have travelled into the future. Paladins still unhappy with DPS want another major buff. Fury now having reached its full potential is dominating them… Hard… Rets all re-rolling… chaos ensues…
Nah, im solid in my arguments.
you aren’t.
You’ve already admitted you’re wrong, get over it.
You said Lexicography is the study of compiling words.
That may not be completely congruent with what I said, but there is no actual discipline devoted so generally to the study of words as to have a definition.
Even etymology doesn’t fit that definition, you are splitting hairs and a moron for doing so. Etymology is the study of origins of words and their roots, probably their phonetics as well.
nah, I know what I’m talking about and I am not wrong. They are both literary and focused on specific areas of study. One the meaning and history, the other on the study of compiling information.
You can at anytime however, admit you are wrong in the above quoted^
You’re unhinged
Yep, and both involve studying words. Congrats bud, you split hairs and wasted your time proving nothing.
No my boy, we’re individually calling you out on this cause you’re just that crazy.
What’s truly crazy is paladins getting a buff when they’re already the most OP class in WoTLK.
And you claim I am the one splitting hairs. Keep up with those reductionist arguments that hold no weight.
Still waiting.
Just posting this again as it is actually an insane take