You know what the difference between warriors and ferals are. Ferals didn’t try and drag down ret pallys when ret got buffed.
Not only are warriors ungrateful about their new buff. They complain more than anyone else. And try to drag others down. Our guild fury warrior is doing great right now. Jeez stop, plz stop. Time to grow up warriors.
“new buff”
it’s not a buff though
shattering throw is still a dps loss, it’s just less of a dps loss than it was before
people like OP would rather whine and complain instead of doing actual research
I for one am happy I get to use an ability that would otherwise be difficult to squeeze in.
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Gonna be great for brain room.
The fact that you people categorize stereotypes into classes so you can have some weird form of racism against them is beyond delusional. The ret complaining was just as bad as the warrior complaining. Feral’s complained as well but not many people were playing them so there were less posts about it. The new glyph is not a damage buff and will increase Feral’s dps more than War’s. I agree it’s annoying and I wish they would stop but your post seems to exude the same psychological illness as the buff begging threads.
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Rets have cried on here far more than any other spec. A simple forum search confirms it.
Rets cried since TBC Classic announcement, regarding their faction-specific seals. The tears continued after Wotlk Classic phase 1 and have been going strong ever since.
No other spec comes close to the forum tear count of Rets, this is just a fact. Warriors are definitely a close second, but they only started in earnest after the Ret and Feral changes.
The Feral change was the real surprise. The only Feral forum tears were when the instance lockout nerf affected their Manual Crowd Pummeler farming in vanilla classic.
The glyph is good for prot wars not having to stance dance to do it anymore. Its not really a buff for fury at all however.
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Nice. Another controversial sock puppet thread.
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It’s just tribalism. No specific personality type plays a specific wow character more than any other. We just like to think they do because we’re tribal.
As to the actual buff, it’s a small buff, it buffs physical dps on the raid and means that Warriors are less disadvantaged for using it. It’s better than a poke in the eye, I’ll take it.
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“It’s not a buff” continues to list the very definition of a buff
Very smart.
I’m just happy to be included in a blue post that isnt taking damage away.
That is where the report spammers need to be putting their button mashing.
(This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until May 15, 2023 9:19 am.)
For the individual warrior, but overall it was a DPS buff.
This is kinda the biggest problem in WoW excluding cheating, exploiting and bugs… Way too much focus on personal zugzug and not enough focus on the betterment of the raid encounter.
because ferals arent whiny babies…and played their class regardless of where they were on the meters…we have never chased FOTM bs. We measure our wank with yard sticks, not damage meters.
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Ret getting buffed deserved criticism as prot paladins are ridiculously OP.
I’ll take unrelated things for $1000, Alex.
I’ll take paladins pretending their class isn’t OP for $10,000 Alex.
Saying it’s unrelated doesn’t make it unrelated. Overall paladin balance should be considered, when balancing paladins.
You really should just stick to classic era servers, where warriors are S++ tier DPS and 50 percentile parses get you in the top half of your raid’s meters. Warriors are also the only tank with a functional kit.
Oh, and every class that can heal has terrible DPS.
It’s exactly the kind of balance you crave.
The rest of us got over that and prefer classes to not be arbitrarily bad at one role because they are good at another.