Warriors are fine

Paladins overrepresented in the game, as well as overrepresented on the forums, colour me shocked.

Colour me shocked that paladins being OP has made them soft-brained as we can see in this thread.

But ret isn’t and certainly wasn’t before the buff.

But go on, cry about that one spec that is still less represented than fury and still does less damage, that’ll surely get you buffed.

Wah wah wah wah.

I don’t care, Blizzard shouldn’t care.

Paladins should have been forced to accept being the best tank and best healer for all of WoTLK.

You weren’t buffed for balance.

Yeah, we covered this.

They could have given ret a 5 DPS buff and Blade would be tripping over himself over the injustice of it.

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You weren’t buffed for balance. Take whatever sophistry you want to deflect with.

You weren’t buffed for balance.

If balance was the issue, prot would have been nerfed. Ret was buffed because paladins cried hardest and have the biggest population in WoTLK.

Defending that by suggesting paladins are meta slaves doesn’t sway me at all in my opinion. Paladins already have the best tank and best healer for all of WoTLK. Blizzard should have just deleted the retribution tree to teach you ungrateful idiots a lesson.

Oh, we certainly were, just not your vision of balance.

Paladin’s only DPS spec was worse performing than basically any class’ worst DPS spec.

We would likely be below arms warriors at this point if not for that buff. No amount of utility or other OP specs excuses that level of DPS out of your only option.

As it stands, we were carefully buffed to make sure we didn’t pass any real DPS specs in Ulduar.

Such an injustice!

Not anyone with a brainstem’s vision of balance.

I don’t care that you think because paladin only has one dps tree, it deserves that tree to be in the pack of PvE. It’s awfully convenient reasoning and is an argument that is clearly in favour of highly hybridized classes that have only one dps tree, one healing tree etc.

The only way paladins have even half-heartedly tried to defend this is by trying to make other people view retribution in isolation from their class’s other overpowered specs. But face it:
You have the best tank and best healer for the entirety of WoTLK.

It’s inexcusable that you still defend this, Blizz knows they didn’t do it for the reasons you’re giving.

They should remove retribution just to teach brainlets like you a lesson in humility. No other class has two S tier specs across two roles.

rets are still pretty far behind fury even with their reckoning glyph, in the 99th percentile, ret is about as behind fury as fury is behind the new feral, if that reckoning glyph wasn’t in the game ret would be between arms and sub rogue

It does not matter. Paladin has two S tier specs across two roles. No other class gets that.

To have them receive buffs given that fact is abhorrent.

…they aren’t playing those roles? do you think resto druid shouldn’t be buffed because feral is good? or do you draw the line at stuff that aren’t paladins? lol

It’s cool that you don’t, but the devs disagree. That was quite literally the argument paladins used to get the ret buff. It wasn’t just random crying. That got us a “we aren’t doing anything” letter.

No, it’s an argument to make hybrids actually functional as advertised. Don’t say a class can DPS / Tank / Heal, but not really DPS.

If it can do all 3, it should be at least competent at all 3. It doesn’t need to be top tier in all of them, and ret isn’t top tier DPS, and will never be close to that.

Yes, paladin is that (although best healer is tied with disc).

Warriors had it for the classic era. Hell, through diamond flask shenanigans they were also solid at healing themselves too.

Shaman were basically that in TBC. Druids were real strong at DPS/Tanking/Healing in TBC.

It happens. Ret still isn’t a particularly good DPS spec. You’d almost always prefer a warrior in that slot that knows what they are doing from this point on now that all the fights that care about DSac are over.

He probably does.

I refuse to acknowledge your argument that paladin is fair being OP because warriors were in the past. Shame on you smeet, I never played warrior for either ‘OP’ expansion and the argument stops there.

Shame on you, delete your account and give the rest of WoTLK some respite from your stupidity.

The devs don’t disagree, they didn’t buff rets because rets are underpowered or underrepresented. They buffed rets because paladin as a class is overrepresented and they thought it’d be the best way to get players back into WoTLK.

It’s wholly unhealthy for WoTLK and paladins like yourself are to blame.

I know you do.

That doesn’t mean it never happened.

Yes, they did, per their explanation post.

This is a conspiracy theory. It doesn’t even make sense because paladin representation is high because of holy and prot, not ret. There’s no massive number of ret paladins that are waiting to resubscribe.

Nah… The feral buffs were unhealthy, the ret buffs just stopped the bleeding of a spec that was supposed to be viable, but modern optimizations made really bad compared to the rest of the DPS.

Ret was always supposed to be a decent / mid tier DPS option. We are pretty much fine at the bottom of the real DPS. We weren’t fine being 10% below the floor.

Your mind is addled if you think Blizz didn’t buff rets because:

  1. They cried in conjunction with
  2. Them being the largest playerbase

You’re utterly deluded if you suggest otherwise. Your arguments for why it needed to happen are justifications for everything except the real reason: It was to bring back players.

Rets never deserved a buff, because their class is the most OP in WoTLK.

Also look up the definition of conspiracy theory. I shouldn’t have to demonstrate definitions to you for someone being so adamant in their opinion. A conspiracy implies illegal activity. Nothing Blizzard has done is illegal, get an education.

Quoting a ridiculous amount of times and being verbose hasn’t worked on me in the past, you actually have to think through your arguments with me.

Rets weren’t the largest player base. They aren’t even close. There are still more fury warriors than rets…

If prot and holy weren’t OP, paladin representation wouldn’t be very high because people just use the boost to reroll to the new best thing each cycle.

I’d still firmly consider that warlocks. S tier DPS, great utility, stacked for damage over other classes. Demo gets a unique and extra powerful buff.

DKs are also up there.

That still doesn’t change that if locks had a healing or tanking spec that was borderline unusable, it should still have been buffed. If a class can spec into a role, it should be able to viably perform at that role.

All the tanks are capable of tanking all the bosses, and take similar damage, and have no real threat issues. Pally tanks are only massively chosen because when all things are largely equal, you go to the side stuff, like the cheat death, to determine which is best.

Holy paladin is a bit too strong, but not crazily so. If raid damage were higher in wrath, you wouldn’t generally use more than 2 holy paladins, because resto shaman and druid fill other niches better. The main reason healer balance looks so bad is largely because of how little healing this expansion requires, which lets guilds drop to only 3 healers in a lot of cases.

So yeah, paladins are marginally better at tanking and healing, which leads them to be massively overused. You can still pretty easily do any of this content without either of them.

I know it hasn’t. I see better reasoning and argumentative skills out of most of my high school students.

This is actually a huge raid wide buff… Many warriors who want to parse won’t consider using it… Especially Fury. Now it will be used on Cool Down guaranteed.

Smeet if you’re teaching anyone anything I weep for our collective futures. You can’t follow a basic logical sequence.

But you assume everyone who plays ret wants or “cried” for these buffs.

It’s curious how your kind always play out.

This is factually wrong.

Nah, I just don’t rely on factually incorrect conspiracy theories on why Ret was buffed just to maintain my world view.

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