Warriors are fine

So a buff that barely moved rets on the dps meter is the downfall of classic, not all of these idiotic other changes?

This is what you’re saying, right?

For shame, just stop giving your opinion. It has no logic and is detrimental to WoTLK.

Deflection cause you realized I just put you on the point?

Yeah, this is on par :smiley:

Nonsense, you pretend ret buffs and prot being OP is somehow not linked at all.

You’re utterly braindead.

Cause it’s not. Not even remotely.

You’re literally just crying for the sake of crying.

Anyone can see how foolish you’re being in purporting that point.

You’re utterly braindead.

Yeah, I’m not rushing to delete my part of this conversation.

Want a hanky for them tears?

I haven’t deleted anything, but figures you’d deflect again from your obvious inability to use logic.

Ret buffs has no correlation with the OP nature of prot. You’re an utter fool if you think that.

That was by way of saying “I’m not the one looking like a crying fool here”.



In what way? That addresses literally none of the issues you have with paladin. It just makes their DPS role nonviable.

How is having a role a class can spec into worse than PvP specs blizz didn’t even TRY to make PvE viable “better for the game?”

Oh right, because you are envious of prot/holy… THAT’S logical to you.

You’re a literal force for stupidity for thinking that.

You’re deliberately pretending there’s no logical link because it suits your purpose. Nobody can be that stupid.

You must be pretending.

No, I’m saying there isn’t because there isn’t.

There is no pretending here.

And I believe that’s true for you as well which is why I’m offering you a hanky to cry into before I go to work.

If you can’t see how ret buffs are linked to prot being OP then you are stupid.

That’s the end of it, you are mentally deficient.

Even Blizzard knows why they did it. They’re laughing at you thinking rets actually deserved a buff as the most pre-eminent requirement for buffs.

What effect does a glyph that removes the taunt portion of the taunt spell have on prot again?

You’re a joke if you still don’t understand this.

Wah wah wah wah.

Prot was more OP than ret was ever underpowered. That is a fact.

Ret wasn’t buffed because of balance. They buffed the most OP class deliberately because its OP-ness relayed into paladins being the most populous class.

Hence, their buffs were due to whining.

Prot would have been nerfed if balance was of any interest to Blizzard.

Also irrelevant.

Correct, ret was buffed cause they were starting to be underrepresented partly because Blizzard made a stupid post telling rets to go holy or prot.

End result.

We got buffed.

Deal with it.

Use a hanky.

Your class is overrepresented. The fact you decide to choose a scope of observation that suits your arguments is ridiculous and you should feel ridiculous.

You’ve created an argument to suit the results.

That’s what a braindead person does. But I already knew that.

To blade, because it’s part of the same class as prot, it’s the same thing as buffing prot. To him, classes should only be buffed if they are good at nothing. Alternatively, if you have a spec that’s the best in a role (no matter by how much), he believes that your other specs should be the worst in their roles by miles.

Basically he just runs on a game balance philosophy that no one takes seriously but himself.