Warriors are fine

Even with the ret buffs the fact is you still only bring 1, it literally changed nothing.

You’re acting as if we are stacking rets now.

Literally nothing changed.

They are still last rofl.

Blizzard buffed the most OP class in WoTLK. That is the fact here.

The presence of three paladin apologists doesn’t convince me that it’s appropriate at all.

The highschool teacher doesn’t even know what ‘conspiracy’ means. Even when corrected, he still uses the word incorrectly.

No. They buffed ret pallies.

You’re associating the spec as the whole class.

Their performance as a healer and a tank are irrelevant to their DPS spec.

My guy, that you wrongfully think that rets got buffed cause they whined is indeed a conspiracy.

If that was remotely close to the truth, warriors would’ve been buffed even in classic.

Well, we’ve got two paladins who don’t understand basic lexicography.

What a shock, given their viewpoints displayed in this thread.

No, we understand your argument entirely.

It’s just been an abandoned balancing philosophy since 2007.

No you don’t, you don’t even know what ‘conspiracy’ means.

Also quit co-opting other people, that’s what lame politicists do.

“We” think this. No you have no idea because you’re deluded and teach people who don’t question your stupidity.

Nah, I am pretty confident in my intelligence given the degree in chemical engineering and a master’s degree.

You just make flawed arguments from a failed balancing philosophy where 2/3 of the specs end up bad because each class is 9nlynallowed to be good at one thing.

And one warrior who doesn’t understand words and keeps crying.

You’re late for your potty training.

Lexicography is the study of words you damn imbecile.

Smeet: You are utterly braindead and have got that degree through nefarious means if you can’t understand basic logical sequences.

Blizzard has buffed the most OP class in WoTLK. The parents of your students should remove them from your class for the lack of oxygen in your brain.

I’m aware, hence the “you don’t understand words” response. Context clues are useful in figuring out that I understood the attempt at insulting me.

Your posts have devolved to personal attacks and reiterating a tired “paladins are OP” line. You are utterly incapable of focusing on a smaller picture within the class that was a serious problem because you are blinded by the fact that prot paladin and holy paladins are the meta gaming pick of choice.

Meanwhile, you continually focus on trying to get warrior’s strongest spec buffed rather than putting any attention on the weaker areas of the class.

Simultaneously, you call out people as whining, when your post count us probably the highest density of complaints on the forum for the past few months.

If it was just complaints that got ret buffed, and not a valid argument, why weren’t fury warriors buffed in the PTR beyond the bug fixes / shattering throw glyph? It might be because the spec is objectively fine.

I know that you’ll just default back to your make believe “they buffed rets because of subscription numbers” nonsense, or personal attacks though, because you’ve never had an argument with any substance if you scratch the surface of it even a little.

Read the replies please. I am talking to Jeynar who says “one warrior who doesn’t understand words”

That’s why I referenced you directly.

I seriously hope you’re not an English teacher in any capacity.

They did buff ret due to paladin proportion. Which makes prot/holy not irrelevant. If they were actually looking at balance and player proportion, prot paladins would have been nerfed at prepatch.

No, they very specifically did not. They made a whole post about how they originally weren’t going to buff ret because of the paladin proportions.

It wasn’t until after that, when Rets pointed out that they were nonviable in the role, without an alternative option, and comparable to specs that Blizzard themselves considered non-PvE viable that Blizzard agreed and buffed the spec.

You are right, based solely on the mile high view of paladins as a class, it looked fine. You had to dig deeper into balancing goals for the specs and roles to see the problem that ret had.

The opposite is true of Fury. The bird’s eye view for warrior looks terrible, but when you dig deeper, fury looks largely fine at this point, and is projected to get better, even though it won’t be the best DPS option.

I honestly don’t know why Blizzard hasn’t adjusted prot or holy downward a bit. It isn’t part of the discussion about Ret’s problems though, and Ret shouldn’t be put on hold because of those issues with Holy and Protection paladins. “You can’t fix X because Y is also a problem” is a great way for nothing to ever happen.

Yes, they very specifically did. I don’t care what their reasoning was. It flies in the face of logic much like all of your posts.

Ret didn’t have a problem, because paladins are the most OP class in all of WoTLK.

Your concessions mean nothing in light of the concessions that Blizzard has given paladins. Ret should 100% be put on hold until the actual balance issues surrounding prot (and less so holy) are addressed.

It doesn’t, you just refuse to follow it.

It did, because ret doesn’t benefit from prot or holy being good. There was (and still is) nothing OP about ret, and it was significantly underpowered as a spec in both PvE and PvP (where prot hybrids are better).

What concessions? They fixed a spec that was never meant to be at Arms warrior level DPS. Prot and Holy being good is just as irrelevant to that point as saying we can’t buff blood DK tanks because unholy is too strong.

Just because they are under the same class doesn’t matter. Unholy’s strengths aren’t related to the problems blood tanks have. It shouldn’t be used as part of the decision making process.

Now sure, I do agree that if a class is best at something (or in paladin’s case, 2 things), that their other roles probably shouldn’t also be buffed into top tier. That didn’t happen with ret though. It went from non-viable DPS levels, to the bottom of the pack but viable, where it largely stays until it gets Shadowmourne and graduates to mid tier.

That’s the right way to handle it. The incorrect way is to just make the spec borderline unplayable because it could heal or tank instead.

If you’re talking to me either reply to me or mention my name, there was 0 indication in your post that that was aimed at me.

Which is par for the course for you really.

Words are hard, do you need an explanation for what a potty or a hanky is as well?

Objectively and factually false.

The fact it was directly after your post is one reason.

The second was that I directly addressed Smeet after addressing you.

You both seriously are brainlets.

Objectively true, paladins complained on the forums and have the highest WoTLK population. The fact Prot paladins are objectively a more OP tank than rets were ever an underpowered Dps speaks to that fact. Your rhetoric shouldn’t sway anyone on the matter (and most likely doesn’t).

I agree, Deftones is great, saw them last weekend in Vegas :heart:


Also factually untrue.

Prot warrior actually has a lot of value at the highest skill levels when the defensive advantages of prot paladin don’t matter. Prot warrior has more mobility and plenty of threat which makes it a great option for speed running at the highest levels of play.

At some point prot paladin being harder to kill just doesn’t matter, so you go for the tank that can clear stuff faster, which is sometimes warrior.

There was actually no point where ret was the better DPS option for your raid.

Prot paladins are more OP than ret paladins were ever underpowered.

Quit your job and stop teaching our youth. It is clearly beyond you.