Warriors and Rogues will be meme specs

Take your experience with a grain of salt because keep in mind that you don’t have to play against Orc Warriors which are the biggest rogue counter in classic when geared and played appropriately.

That strategy becomes far less viable when your opener gets resisted or your high combo point kidney shot gets resisted or when Cheap Shot gets resisted and they’re able to just PvP trinket off the Kidney Shot/Crippling Poison.

Also trying to slowly kite warriors like that on Alliance will just leave you open to getting 1 shot by some Ele Shaman from half way across the map in group PvP.

Well I said

If we’re talking group pvp there is literally not a single better class in the game than a Warrior. Also, I have Rogues on both sides and the tactic works on either side, you just have to open differently on Orc warriors

Weapon skills have far less impact in the version of TBC that we’re going to see. Right now weapon skill is make or break thats to removing glancing resist, that won’t be a thing in TBC.

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Tell us how you feel when a resto/arms or a mage/rogue poop on your bed in pvp and your only response is “Please sir, may I have another?”

Tradition dictates that my response would be to come to the forums and demand a nerf of whatever class happened to kill me. #nochanges

How about those rerolling away from their current meme spec (feral druid) which will become a FOTM, to another class that’s currently FOTM but will become a meme in TBC (rogue)? I’m a sick puppy I guess…

Still the best single target tank in TBC.

Not as good as the prot warrior for single target, and not as good as the paladin for AE tanking, its kinda a blend between the two, and decent but not optimal.

Rogues are actually decent in TBC, we can still compete it just requires a little more effort and careful play. Our DPS even when keeping improved EA up is actually good, and better than Ret, and better than Feral, and better than Fury, and better than a lot of stuff. Like Classic we are not the absolute kings of the single target DPS meter, and guess what, no one cares because we show up to the raid on time and that matters.

Warriors are still good, and every raid really needs an ARMS warrior because of the debuff they provide, and this helps the Hunter DPS out quite a bit, also helps the tanks. =)


The imp EA thing was a bit of a joke since I was implying that there wouldn’t be any warriors in the raid. If you have a warrior tanking you don’t want to be using it anyways.

I disagree that warriors are the best single target tank. The best tank is a lot more dependent on each particular fight, and that’s why I’ll be having one of each type of tank. My honest opinion is that prot warriors, ferals, and prot pallies are equals and each fulfill a different niche. Simple example - you’re better off having a pally tank Prince M in Kara. A pally will make a warrior look stupid in comparison when tanking heroic shattered halls. So on and so forth up through each raid tier. There’ll be fight where ferals shine, there’s fights designed for warriors, and there’s fights for pallies.

What’s different is that warriors are no longer the kings of tanking and DPS. They’re just another tank, and a mid tier DPS. Useful, sure. You want one or two along? Yes. Bloated gasbags of ego and obnoxious pumping? In TBC they better change their mindset.

The people who’ve come into this thread angry and with the attitude that warriors are still the top dog and “main tank” display a severe case of noobitis when it comes to what is going to happen when TBC is released.

I’ll be honest, out of all classes the rogues are the ones with the least PvE utility in raids. That’s not to say they’re bad, and someone needs the rogue gear, and we’re all gonna want to get carried by the gladiator rogue we’ll all know.

That’s really true now in classic also but we show up on time, and that’s the most valuable asset of all.

Some will read up and change classes to optimize but others will adapt; Warrior is still an excellent main tank and you really cant go wrong with it. Also as mentioned Arms is really strong for the hunters the raid team does have, and Arms warrior DPS is not actually bad either, its just less than Hunter and later on locks, but really who cares so long as your team is having fun and clearing content and getting the loot!


TBC is really fun, and a lot more classes and specs are considered viable, its just that warriors are less dominant than they were before, they are an honest mid pack class for DPS and a Excellent choice for tanking. Early content T4 and even to some degree T5 Rogues are very strong if you play well, just requires you not totally suck and I think most rogues will manage fine.

I am not bashin on ya, just pointing out that Rogue / Warrior is still good, its just not quite as good as it was for raid.

But hey, we rogues come TBC can main tank in a way that you will never see again in any other expansion, its actually rather awesome even if its not exactly optimal for speed clearing.

That my friend is what we call a masochist. :slight_smile:

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people are morons.

Warriors have the best damage mitigation up till Cata, it’s always been that way. That being said, i won’t be playing a warrior in TBC, but it’s more due to the fact that i’m sick of melee.

Its a game bro, not your wife.

you’re in for a surprise once you see warriors top dps AGAIN thanks to HS queueing.

warrior arm debuff the boss arent they ?
Feral druid improve all bleed on the target by 30 % + when people crit they get heal

Already have my level 60 druid waiting for BC, started warrior for classic because was thinking Naxx from the start, was not really motivated by huge DPS.

played Druid in Vanilla, played in it Classic, will play it in BC. Refuse to change class because it’s “not optimal” and doesnt meet modern day try hard, sperg, basement sweating nerd metrics.


I guess I just never found much fun pressing one button repeatedly and being able to top meters. I’d rather play something with an interesting rotation that people don’t expect much from. It makes it all the more sweet when outplaying those expectations and beating people playing those no skill pumper classes. :laughing:

Likely story…this guy lol. I just happen to be playing a warlock and hunter in TBC. Nice try bud! :rofl:

That’s like every class in the game in PvE.

I guess that’s one way of looking at it…and also explains how it’s possible to outplay the FOTM specs.

Jokes aside, I was more specifically thinking of the 1 button destro lock and BM hunter in TBC. Also, I’d argue that you won’t have much success pressing one button on the following specs: feral druid, fury warrior, affliction warlock, rogue, resto druid, furyprot/full prot warrior, and holy priest to name a few off the top of my head.