Warriors and Rogues will be meme specs

You’re the guy claiming that Prot Warriors generate more threat than Feral Druids in TBC. How uninformed can you be?

  • You’ve got people here claiming that Arms Warrior is a necessity. What a bunch of clowns. Even if the raid does 25k physical DPS (HELL NO) 4% more damage is only 1k DPS. The difference between an Arms Warrior and a Beast Hunter is WAY OVER 1k DPS. Show me the lying DPS meters. I’m sure plenty of people hope their Class Leads will just ignore Actual Damage. You’d have to know that if you even bothered to raid SWP… EVER…

  • You got people claiming that IEA shouldn’t be used so you can let a Warrior MT. That’s the silliest logic I’ve ever heard of in my life.

  • You’ve got a guy claiming that Ret Paladin is a meme spec that brings nothing to the raid. That is the most unbelievable thing said in this entire topic.

You guys are some of the most ignorant commenters I’ve seen a while.

The meta for TBC only shifted a little bit compared to Classic over the years. TBC isn’t going to be Arms over Retadin. That will literally never happen in any raid ever in TBC. You’d have to be mentally ill to think anyone would be stupid enough to bring an Arms Warrior over a Retadin.

Prot Warrior is still necessary for Spell Reflect. Nobody is going to argue about that. But, saying that Prot Warrior generates the highest single target TPS is nonsense no matter how you look at it.

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Ditto. I’ll probably go Surv, aka the hunter spec that actually has a rotation more complex than a one button macro. And I get to still pump.

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in original TBC we ran one tank each.

all the rogues and warriors that aren’t topping the parses rn are rerolling hunters and warlocks (and shamans when the time comes for alliance).

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Probably because he’s a hunter, and this will be the sweatlords class of choice. I probably wouldn’t like it either.

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someone is salty about classic lol

People will claim something is a meme ever if it performs at 98% of what is conventionally accepted as meta. People also greatly exaggerate the difficulty of the game and they’re also unaware that Classic TBC(similar to ClassicWOW) will be the easiest iteration of TBC ever made by a company.

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You seem awfully upset.