Warrior QoL Discussion

With most of the warrior posts pointing out problems but offering no solutions, the goal of this is to come up with ideas that would help the general state of the class.
I’ll start with a couple of ideas.

Introduction of skill books that:

  1. Support shouts (battle and command) no longer cost rage.

With other classes given longer duration and reduced cost on their buffs, it would be in line to remove the rage cost of shouts to allow for buffing out of combat.

  1. Free low % weapon damage strike that generates rage on a cooldown. E.g Enraging Strike - Deal 50% Weapon Damage and Generate 15 Rage. 12 Second Cooldown. Numbers always tweakable

This would greatly help with rage generation, while providing a relatively minor raw damage increase. It would be based on weapon damage, so that fury would have the least gain considering how well fury scales late already.


They should just remove battle shout from the game. Make warriors pure dps with no support or utility at all.

Also, rage-generating attacks should have a toggle that makes them happen every cooldown so you don’t have to manually press a button every time.

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I’d honestly just take 10m shouts instead but this would work too.

The problem with this is that warrior scale too well in endgame. This fixes a qol issue today but introduces a multitude of issues down the road.
Edit: maybe this works if you make it so bad at max level that the global isn’t worth using. I dunno. I feel like there is a better solution I’m just too dense to come up with it rn.

They can deal with it then, instead of having people suffer today. My only feedback is a 12 second cooldown is too long. Make it 6 seconds.

Blood and Thunder would be a good quality of life Tank change and they can even bake it into Furious Thunder

How about since warriors die immediately in pvp and that sucks, they instead add some QoD skillbooks (quality of death). Right now dying sucks, it’s very low quality. Instead, why not having a QoD skillbook, dying shout. When you die, nearby allies gain a bonus 30% damage and 30% damage reduction for 15 seconds. QoL would not be enjoyed in pvp as we die immediately


Just get your warrior to 40 and bench it til phase 3 or until armor is reduced like everyone else is doing

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Out of curiosity what is the issue with rage generation? I have just gotten my warrior to level 40 (yesterday), and sort of feel that the phase 1 rotation with Raging Blow and Quick Strike, teaching us to pool rage, was a nice lead in to Slam and Mortal Strike, of course now there’s more going on with Berserker stance and Whirlwind to work in after swapping from Battle Stance for Charge and/or Sweeping Strikes.

Endless rage seems to help with rage, but I guess I haven’t really felt much in the way of rage issues yet, so I’d be kind of curious as to whether you could elaborate on the actual issues? (I’ve seen a lot of complaints, but nothing that really says anything, so I’m asking).

Currently, the rotation is charge>SS>WW and without a white crit, an entire pack can be killed before generating enough rage to use both SS & WW.

Edit: I’m not advocating one way or another. This is how warriors traditionally perform until about the end of MC when they start getting geared.

You are doing Gnomer and you have enough rage to MS on cooldown, WW on cooldown, and Slam on cooldown?

I /guffawed

Why do you even take the time to post something like this?
(Just don’t play the class you want to play if it sucks)

For context, here’s what you literally just replied to:


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I firmly believe it would help out Prot Rage Generation the most if there was a rage generating attack added.

Prot needs a significant threat increase. Prot warriors are meme af right now. Dev/TC is half the threat as SS/WW.


Yeah, well I think that actually makes sense. Someone mentioned the Prot warrior Sword & Board fantasy yesterday, and I know there’s a number of people who seem to like that style.

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I am one of them that enjoys the Sword and Board fantasy when it comes to tanking.

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It is otherwise, a completely dead tree. Honestly though, at end game, I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a group as a sword n board warrior even if they buff threat. Fury tanks do so much damage that they essentially fill the tank role while having the effect of an additional DPS in the group.

  1. Some sort of spell damage mitigation based on armor rune: X armor = X% spell damage reduction.

  2. Buff Enraged Regeneration. Both the amount healed and cooldown, or rework the ability entirely.

  3. Increase shout durations.

Putting it down to 1 Min CD would be a good start. Maybe have it allow Berserker Rage to be usable in any stance, so those in Battle or Defensive Stance don’t have to pop Bloodrage.

It feels like windfury is a requirement to play. Not just a nice addition.

Rage gen with a 2h is way too slow. Everything is dead by the time there is enough rage to do any kind of sweeping strike combo in 5 mans.

Sword and board tanking has been nerfed to the ground.

The gear has been carefully made to not be very good for warriors (lame plate gear, mostly fast weapons)


The new book should have baked commanding shout into battle shout, and made it 10m.