Thoughts on Protection Warrior?

I feel like this is how a lot of people played Warrior tanks back when I first started playing WoW, and it was super frustrating for everyone. They couldn’t get rage, weren’t getting hit, and took a long time to get aggro, then got rage starved.

While personally, I feel that warriors are in a pretty good place right now, and that’s only going to get better as the phase goes, I suppose that for people who like the deep Prot Warrior fantasy, they could do something with Shield Slam where maybe it does an AoE effect, increasing threat generated by number of targets hit, and generating rage based on magic effects dispelled, or something like that.

That would give a reason to go deep prot in P2, (you have to to get the 31 point talent), give a block-tank, AoE threat, single stance, easy-to-play style rather than the stance-dancing, master-of-arms playstyle we have now (which I really like personally).
