Warrior QoL Discussion

It falling off late game is what I invisioned for fury, but still be useful as arms/prot. Could possibly limit it to Battle/Prot Stance, so that fury would have to drop a large amount of rage and the 3% crit to use it.

Honestly they should just combine battle and commanding into one shout. No reason to have 2 on the same duration, that don’t override each other.


I actually really like the way that warriors play in Classic Era, personally, and hope that the SoD dev team doubles down on the playstyle. I feel like they’ve done a pretty good job so far of introducing runes that keep warriors feeling like warriors, while also offering some nice overall buffs for SoD.

That said though, they did have a playstyle for tanking with the devastate rune in P1 that probably made some people feel like they were going more towards that sword&board, set back and take it sort of tank, rather than the threat disher style. Warriors are by far the most complex class that I have played in WoW, with regards to gearsets and macros, and situational changeups (granted there are some classes I just haven’t played, such as rogue and shaman, and others that I have very little experience with at max level like Warlock or Priest, Mage or Hunter); I have mostly played Warrior, Paladin and Druid as mains (maybe I should have started with that lol) as well as DK, and that’s mostly because I enjoy tanking (or at least being able to tank).

But yeah, my point was that I like the complexity of warriors in contrast to other classes, be it rage or stance management, clever use of macros, gear swaps, etc. and I hope it doesn’t get dumbed down for SoD like it does in later expansions.


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I think a bit of rework would be good. Let them use hamstring and thunderclap in d stance baseline. Let the thunder leg rune apply rend to all targets.

Make shouts last longer. Give them some type of rage builder (mostly for low levels and not geared warriors).

Make them decent without having to have windfury.

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