Warrior or Mage

Warrior sounds super fun but Mage will be a quicker level :confused:

Play what you want…


Both, because Classic is forever.


If you prefer warrior, but go mage because they level faster - you should pick warrior. Classes play very differently and choosing for short term benefits is not a good strategy for long term enjoyment.


Mage might level quicker, but this will be your character for a while I imagine unless you’re an altoholic that levels quickly.

So play the long game, and if you think you’ll prefer Warrior at 60 go Warrior.

You can always make a Mage later.

Roll Mage, Warriors are full sorry.


I’m planning to do both! One to play while the other gets rested.

Im lvling both. First the warr till i need gold for my mount, then ill lvl a mage and farm for both of them.

Why are you guys worried about leveling fast? ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO PLAY VANILLA OR NOT

Stop trying to force the way YOU play the game onto others. Some of us have played the game plenty and don’t want a slow leveling experience. How about you play the way you want to play, with scrolling Quest text on obviously.

Pfft I will buddy. But no matter how you want to play the game, if you’re basing the class you plan on using as a main in the end game off of how fast they can level, you aren’t a smart man on either side of the casual/hardcore fence.

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If you’re worried about a quicker level, stick to live.

This is the business right here.


Fair enough. Honestly, if someone asks if they should roll Warrior as their main, they should roll something else. It takes too much commitment and dedication; Warrior mains KNOW they are Warrior mains.

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It’s still a relative measurement within the context of vanilla. Thanks for your non-input though.

Also ever class in vanilla leveled at a different speed. Every class had more or less difficulty while leveling due to different factors. None of which haf any affect on the class at max level. Play what you find the most fun. That’s what classic is about. The fun.

Edit: lame phone. Accidentally hit the wrong button and trashed my former post oh well.

Classic should is theory be around a while… Everyone should really just level everything and take advantage of rested exp/no xpacs to worry about…

No xpacs to worry about yet*. It’s entirely possible they will eventually do a TBC server. Maybe fresh ones, maybe ones where you can take your level 60 characters. If it does happen, it’ll be at least a couple of years if not longer.

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One does not become a warrior. You either are or are not.

Do you want to be a cool kid or do you want to win at everything