Warrior or Mage

Help us out with some details: do you prefer tanking or DPS? Ranged or melee? Easy or hard?

I’ve never played a mage before, but I did play a warrior back in the day, and I found it very difficult to level. However, I liked that about it because I like it when games are challenging. If you also enjoy playing challenging games, you might enjoy warrior!

However, there’s an even simpler solution. Once Classic drops, you could make a warrior and a mage, play both up to level 10 or 20, and stick with the one you have more fun playing. :slight_smile:

Let us know what your thoughts are!

but they will certainly have copies of non updated 60 realms… only problem is the social value will drop as peeps migrate to fresh or tbc realms

It would be cool if they had cross expansion guilds, although that could be a lot

Warrior is infinitely harder to level than Mage, but once you get your gear and master stance dancing, nothing feels better than chopping your foes to bits, or being a stalwart tank for your team.

Leveling is certainly more of an adventure than for Mages. Expect to die often.

As a first character, it’s best to choose the class that’s harder to level. There’s going to be a million players around, constant grouping, so the shortcomings are eliminated. Launch will be the best time to make a warrior.