Mage or Warrior DPS?

So I am having a hard time deciding what I am going to roll for classic. I have gotten it down to either an undead mage or a tauren warrior dps. I played as a warlock in classic casually, looking to play bit more “hardcore” this time around, but not server first or anything like that.

So with the Mage, these are the pros I see: They have great aoe farming, very fast leveling, free drink/food, portals, best ranged dps, can farm gold well, undead so will be able to avoid the barrens chaos at launch.

The negatives with Mage I see are the gear doesn’t look super cool, there are going to be a lot of people playing as mage so good raid spots will be competitive, lots of mages in raids means raid loot is competitive.

With the warrior, the pros I see are: The armor and weapons look cool, you can tank spec’d as dps in 5 mans so you can get/form dungeon groups easily, can make money selling dungeon runs later on, best melee dps, unstoppable in pvp once geared with a good healer.

The drawbacks however are they are the slowest levelers by far, super gear dependent, hard to find a dps slot in 5 mans, will have to deal with the barren chaos at launch, have very expensive repairs wearing plate.

I have also heard conflicting reports on whether mage or warrior tops the dmg charts in pvp/pve after raid gear.

What do you think is the better class, and why?

Both classes are great. Try them and see which one fits. Please try to break the habit of having other people tell you what to do. … :slight_smile:

Go undead warrior then. Problem solved :stuck_out_tongue:


I have tried both, I’m trying to see others opinions who have played end game content as both these specs in vanilla. I’m not trying to spend months getting my toon to cap to wish I had gone the other spec.

Just trying to get some insight, and some numbers.

How does someone break that habit?

I don’t know, but this question gets asked

so many times

… use the search function, people! :pray:

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I think it depends a lot on how you want to play.

Warriors are bad at farming, so if you want to be really self-sufficient Mage is better. This can be remedied by leveling a hunter alt to help the warrior out though.


Such is the dilema with a Rock Paper Scissors phase of the game. All classes will have their pluses and minuses. Vanilla really is the play what you enjoy game. All classes can wreck in pvp and can also be on the receiving end. Most can do viable dps, enjoy.

My decision falls between melees. I cant decide on a war/rogue. Good luck with yours, were all in the same boat.

Most raids will have 6-8 warriors and just as many mages. They’re both top tier DPS, and stack better than most other classes (better with more than fewer). Can’t go wrong with either.

The main differences are mages are much faster to level, easier to farm gold with, easier to solo pvp with, and are less gear dependent in the early game. Warriors will have a slightly easier time forming groups as a tank and rule the pvp world when paired with healer/dispeller. I’ll have both for sure.

That applies more to Warrior than Mage. I’d replace that con with having to spec Frost with no hope of topping the meters until AQ40.

Warriors are near the top for every raid tier if not at the top while Mages only top the meters in AQ40 and Naxx when they can spec Fire.

One Mage will top when they all spec fire due to only one ignite buff. I highly doubt mages will top pre-fire.

Mage is either 1 or 2 buttons dps. Warrior is a tiny bit more involved than that.

Both look like clowns as tier is not great for DPS for either (except mage T3).

You can easily tank 5 mans as fury, it’s actually a lot easier than trying to tank 5 mans as full prot and being rage starved the entire way through. The more gear you get the worse prot feels tanking 5 mans.

Mages do just fine in PVP solo, whereas warriors aren’t great 1v1 but become gods with a pocket healer and good gear (mainly arms spec though fury is viable in pvp with gear).

Surely you must have some idea if you want to play ranged or melee. Both classes will be completely overpopulated so I don’t think you need to take that into consideration. Your only issue there is if you want to DPS and only DPS on warrior.

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Well I will tell you this if you don’t want to be a undead warrior just take a zeppelin to avoid barrens.

Yeah mage gear looks very bad as in item sets, tbc is where mages get the awesome gladiator 1 set and wotlk we get the kirin tor helm.

Sounds like mage isn’t for you because of ugly gear, so well barrens shouldn’t be much of a problem if you want to just dungeon spam or just run past cross roads to the zeps to undead area.