Warrior or Mage?

I plan on lvling a warrior at first and later a mage, once my warrior is around lvl 30-40. Ill use the mage to grind for my warrior’s mount as its much faster.

In Vanilla all classes could level pretty well. Yea a hunter goes fastest, but a warrior is no slower than a priest.

Your best bet is to go with the warrior right out of the gate since you’ll be able to easily do all the elite zone quests like Fenris Island or the Ogres in Dun Morough with the massive herd.

A really simple trick for a warrior is, for each zone, find the quest (Wowhead) at your level that gives a decent weapon and do that asap.

You can train guns for 10s at level 10 and that simplifies life big time.
Alchemy/Herablism and Cooking are simple and can really help.

The one massive bonus for Warrior is getting into dungeons is too simple. Often, you won’t even have to type ‘lfg’.

A Warrior is absolutely slower than a Priest. Priests have little to no downtime (actually, they have the lowest downtime of any class), while Warriors have some of the highest. Kill speed depends entirely on how good the Priest’s wand is and how good the Warriors’ weapon is, but at the same time they’re still reliant on 3s~ or more weapon swings and until they get Slam, don’t have any “instant” damage dealers.

Warriors trying to get the WW Axe are gonna have a hell of a time trying to compete against other Warriors and anyone else farming the elementals.

No way. That is false. I leveled both in Vanilla. Charge is ghetto speed and with alchemy I can level a bit faster than a priest up to 40, when the priest gets shadow. You can get a decent weapon through quests all the way. A priest has no speed, no overpower and no execute, and certainly has nothing like Retaliation.

Warriors have a lot of downtime - Retaliation is a 30 minute cooldown. I’m not sure why you think Priests are slower than Warriors, as no downtime > downtime. Even if you can Charge to a mob, a Priest can chain pull and doesn’t even need to kill the first mob to pull the second, while a Warrior would need to wait for combat to drop. Alchemy requires you to farm herbs - that takes time. First Aid and Cooking/Fishing is more reliable for a Warrior, as it makes it less expensive and a bit faster with less downtime, but a Priest will always level faster purely because it never has to stop.

Especially early on. You’re either sword and board or you’re swinging very, very slow.

yeah…no, warrior is slow as hell. played one since vanilla till now. Downtime is what kills everything. Dot + Wand and selfheal is too op.

Warriors are decent but everyone leveled them wrong. Fury is the way to go up until lvl 50+ for dung, respect for prot.

Fury 2h or Fury Sword/Mace (mace proc) was beast.

40~ is where you can swap to Arms, since MS trumps BT by quite a lot. Before that point Fury is better due to Enrage (as it’s not a bug that you can make a macro to proc it) and better earlier talents, whereas Arms has more utility. If you plan to PvP and are in a PvP world though, Arms could be considered better for the PvP utility.

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Leveling speed is a deep topic in Vanilla/Classic. That is so cool imo.

As a Warrior I think it is most beneficial to mix questing with tanking dungeons and chase any big weapon upgrade available.

While actually leveling, try hamstring kiting. Briefly that is where you hamstring a mob and run just out of melee range while waiting for your weapon to swing and just barely in melee range as it goes off. Takes a ton of practice, not going to lie, but it makes a difference (and you’ll wreck so hard in PVP against melee if you master this, really).

The above takes a lot of practice and situational awareness. Once you get it down though you’ll find a noticeable difference in your downtime.

I also advocate two important things.

Save rage for the next pull. There is no point in spamming yourself to 0 rage with Heroic Strike. Those last few attacks should be auto attacks. Then you do your next pull with enough rage to press any button available in that stance.

Level as Arms. The thing that will speed up leveling the most are the talents Anger Management and Sweeping Strikes.

You can kill two mobs as a leveling Warrior, but you need Sweeping Strikes and rage.

Thats my strategy anyway. Isn’t it great that we could all do something different and that is fine. Typing this out I love that someone else might prefer a totally different playstyle 10-60, and that is kinda awesome.

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This is debatable, as while Arms has better utility, it also suffers from a lack of damage talents (Cruelty/Enrage in particular). It also has better sustain with Blood Craze. It’s entirely up to the individual but Fury to 40 is largely considered superior. Then Arms of course, as MS hits insanely hard and is an instant attack.

With Arms you get 50% chance to crit with Improved Overpower, more rage when stance dancing, rage while in combat, bleed damage on crit, bonus damage on crit in all stances, sweeping strikes, 5% crit damage from Axe spec (if you aren’t a noob), and Mortral Strike. I play PVP servers, and being able to spam Improved Hamstring has damage benefits to both players and mobs.

By all means, level how you want I’m not judging. My spec is very smooth and doesn’t have the downtime problems Warriors are famous for under 40.

Overpower requires the target to dodge, and the more you want it to proc, the more they’re gonna parry you. The rage is nice, the ability to stance dance is nice, and the extra bonus on crits is nice… but it’s not raw damage, and your crit is gonna be very very low, especially without Cruelty, until you get axe specialization and then you have to use an axe. But that’s quite a bit up there in levels. While Fury gets 5% crit right at the start, raw damage increases, and raw AP increases. And at the same level you get Sweeping Strikes as Arms, you get Death Wish as Fury, which is a huge damage boost.

Play how you want, I’m explaining why leveling Arms is fine and quite smooth if done correctly. 2-H Fury is boring as hell to me, to each their own.

You can fish for Dodges with Hamstring and Sunder Armor, both proc Overpower somewhat regularly on both players and mobs. Oh no, I just gave away my secrets… :slight_smile:

Oh definitely. Arms is much better if you plan to PvP, and it’s also arguably better for tanking too. I’m not saying it’s bad but for raw PvE leveling, Fury is better up until 40.

AQ 40 Though!!!

Yes, I want to move and feel alive!

You all are awesome! Thank you! I’m thinking since I played the warrior and tanked etc. last time, i’ll try a mage for a bit this time. Now the question is Human or Undead :joy:

The correct answer is Gnome, always Gnome! :joy:

Pah! It builds character! Walk it off!

Ranged weapon?


You play a warrior to look good not to be good.