Warrior or Mage?

Classic/Vanilla is a really great time for the Warrior class.

In my opinion, the Warriors that are going to have the most fun are people who enjoy tanking dungeons and raids and are somewhat extroverted about making things happen.

Players that only want to DPS, unless they have some special spot in a good guild will be frustrated by the Warrior class. It will be an overpopulated class so it is worth it to consider up front how committed you want to be to playing to stand out and get spots.

Tanks are in high demand for dungeons, but are in low demand for raids. It’s a bit weird. In raids most tank spots are taken already and DPS Warriors are low priority, even in Naxx. Leveling to 60 is the worst and very expensive too and even at 60 you desperately need gear and can still be killed by being kited, so it’s something to keep in mind if you’re a solo player.

I’m just stating what a YouTuber said and his followers backing him up …basically kissing is @$$. This character “Brannox” I’ve played since 2004 and has the title Master Sargant. I’d rather play a mage.

A lot of people who play a Warrior now and plan to in vanilla raise it much higher than it really is. In PvP it was only good when you had gear (and a big fat weapon) and a pocket healer, in PvE it was only good at higher tier of raiding (AQ40/Naxx). Prior to that it was midrange at best, and didn’t bring a lot of utility.

And yeah, my decision to play a Hunter came about because raid DPS is the last thing I care about. It feels more interesting to play than most other classes (to me) and it’s solo power is attractive.

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If a player really commits to being a good tank, they will have raid guilds trying to recruit them. You become known, e-famous on your server even if the consensus is that you are a good tank. Players and guilds will gladly feed you gear, including PVP/offset gear.

That’s why I say it is a fun role, if you like tanking.

That said what you are commenting on is true. I always had a beef with Blizzard for adding more and more tank classes and nerfing the importance of the role overall. Even today (I haven’t played) I bet that it takes a properly good tank to do Mythic raids and those guys probably just have one of each tank class rather than having 5 or so good players who “could” tank the encounter. :face_vomiting:

Make both at launch and try them out. Main the one that makes you happy. This was my main in Vanilla, but I will most likely be maining a priest.

Warriors are the only ones who will be sought after for raid tanks, but it’s hard to get a guild unless you’re already geared, and tank spots in guilds are pretty hard to find since most guilds have theirs already selected. If you make a name for yourself it’ll help - but again, a lot more Warriors than spots for tanking. This depends if there’s a decent amount of people willing to tank of course, but trends on certain servers show that there’s a lack of them. Most want to DPS.

That has been one of my problems with these forums. People have been talking up warriors and rogues but leave out the fact that there will only be so many spots for them and personal loot isnt a thing in vanilla so good luck maxxing out outside PVP. Thank you for pointing this out.


I recall there being a lot of fire resistant and immune mobs in BWL too. So frost spec for MC and BWL.

Apart from those two instances, fire everywhere else.

You’re talking to a Vanilla MT/RL, so…

Yes true, but tanks burn out. Tanks have things come up and have inconsistent attendance. Tanks decide they would rather play their Rogue alt. etc. Good tanks will be recruited for the life of the game.

That said, I was a GM/MT/RL so my experience is not what everyone will have. It is true that our tanks tended to be people we would have no problem making officers if they weren’t one. Good bad or indifferent, it is just that important to getting somewhere in Vanilla/BC era raiding.

Yep. It’s not gonna be as bad at all in vanilla, but dang can it be frustrating. Guild poaching might be prevalent, but I don’t really think it’ll be as bad as it would’ve been.

Were there? I didn’t play a Mage, but I don’t think there were that many…

That’s why I said mages are good in 1v1, but when focused by more than 2 people, ice block, ice barrier, blink, etc doesn’t do much. When you’re getting waylaid by 3 or more people, you’re going to go down quick, even with a healer or 2.

Warriors aren’t squishy in vanilla, and definitely not squishier than mages. Even against spellcasters, just the higher health makes up for their armor being negated.

My goal is the be a very good raid OT and dps when needed. Will gladly tank 5 mans as well.

Now who’s trying to recruit that type of action?!?!

Nothing wrong with being an OT.

I don’t know what your situation will be. My “OT” and I frequently swapped roles just to learn what the other did a little better.

Keep it a secret amongst ourselves, mkay. I think the OT has the more fun job on several fights that don’t involve simply standing in a corner and not dying. Sssssshhhh!


If your goal is to off-tank and dps when needed, you do not want to play a mage.

Mages don’t make very good off-tanks.

But warlocks do! For a couple fights anyhow. :smiley:

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Be a mage and feast on warriors in BGs. Permanent snare and kite was the best.

On the flip side, I had a rank14 guildie warrior who would go to BRM and gank 5 mans by himself.

Mage first.

They have so many convenient spells that it’s nice to be one, and it’s nice to have one in a group.

Warriors take forever to level, are heavily gear dependent, and the only group utility they have relies on the tank dying.

You could actually level a mage first and farm gold with it to fuel your warrior. That’s what most people tend to do if they’re willing to spend a lot of time leveling.

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