Warrior or Mage?

Oh and in vanilla the two classes I leveled were warrior and priest. Priest was way faster.

What is Guild Poaching?

When a more progressed guild snipes/poaches better geared (and at times better players) individuals. Like, say, a more progressed guild loses a tank, instead of gearing a replacement they’d try to find an already geared replacement - who may leave their guild for a higher level of progression. This obviously causes problems, as lesser progressed guilds start losing their better geared individuals, hurting their progression and rosters.

Ahh so guild on guild fookery!

Why quick? You’ve got time, bud.

Warriors are super dependent on other players. That just ain’t my style dude. As far as I’m concerned mage is way more fun. More utility, more fun PVP. You don’t have to grind the best gear to do well. Plus, farming gold in classic is not like retail lol. It takes time, I know mages can solo farm DM east and make good gold, Hunters can solo farm DM trib runs and make crazy gold. Warriors make better alts than mains in classic imo. If you’re all about tanking, and thats what makes the game fun for you, then of course roll war.

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