Warrior or Mage?

Quick! I’m having a heck of a time deciding on a Warrior or a Mage. I’ve played this warrior since vanilla and even have a mage but which do I main? Thoughts? Opinions? Thanks!

Personally between the two I’d choose mage. Warrior to me has just always seemed so one dimensional and thus very boring. Warriors are probably the last class I’d ever level.

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Warriors can be rough to level in Vanilla, as I’m sure you know if you played one, but are top tier tanks at 60 and also top tier DPS once they get gear.

Mages on the other hand are top tier DPS, and great at AoE farming with a bit of practice.

If you’d prefer something completely random, my dice roll said you should play a Mage.

Whats your schedule like now that you’re older? Not that it should matter normally but if you are honestly stuck between the two and can’t choose…and if you can’t play very much I would not choose warrior.

I only say this because you may have a hard time finding a group (unless you just tank it all), you will have a hard time soloing a lot of quests, you will have a hard time farming for anything, you will have a hard time in pvp unless you are really geared and have a healer with you.


Level both. If you find you’re preferring the warrior, you have the mage for farming. If you find you’re preferring the mage, you have the warrior for those times you want a change of pace. With rested XP, you don’t slow yourself down too much, and leveling two also means more of resources like cloth at every level.


If you wanna demolish entire teams in PvP with a healer or two, warrior

If you wanna be good in 1v1 but get manhandled whenever you get focused by a team in PvP, mage.

I will say though if you plan in PvEing, mage is incredibly boring. As in spamming 1 button during an entire encounter boring.

Fire Blast if you can’t squeeze in another Frostbolt before the boss dies.

Both are great, both are very fun. But it all depends on you.

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I say go warlock. :smiley: You’ve done the others, and warlock is truly a different experience.


Frostbolt (not Fire Blast ever) in MC, but Fire everywhere else. But as a Warrior your leveling life is hell (at least alone) and expensive, while Mage is a breeze, even at 60. Warrior is far more gear dependent and will be very popular - so will Mages, but it’s harder to find a spot as a DPS Warrior. You bring nothing except potential offtanks.

Yet, Warriors are being labeled as the best dps in Vanilla

They scale extremely well, but early on they’re not as good as Mages or Rogues. Their top DPS is roughly equivalent to those two (I think Rogues and Mages are a bit ahead actually).

be different in PVP go fire. scorch crits + pyro is fun as hell

Warriors: Need lots of gear (time, time & more effort) then very rewarding.

Mage: Instant gratification at 60.

If you want to view vanilla WoW through the limited scope of raiding then mages still come out on top in terms of raid DPS. And being ranged you’ll have much less raid mechanics to avoid.


when it comes to these sort of conundrums, I usually flip a coin or roll a dice.

That being said, If you want an easier time doing quests and such, Mage. You wont spend as much on repairs either.

Seems to me between ice block, ice barrier, blink, frost nova and polymorph mages have better survivability than warriors. Warriors are potentially the squishier class especially if their higher armor is being negated by spell damage.

Yep. If I cared about raid DPS in Naxx, I wouldn’t be playing a Hunter. As the game is 99% everything else - I want to play a Hunter.

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Try out both till level 10 or so. See which sticks with you. Both are great classes that have a lot to contribute to a group/raid.

  • If you plan on playing solo a lot, the warrior may be harder for you.

As far as ‘best raid dps’ and such… consider that content (and the gear drops) will come in phases.

  • Later phases will have better gear.
  • Warriors scale far better with gear than anyone. Warriors will be amazing later.
  • Without gear, dps warriors are more ‘mid tier’.
  • Mages have more endgame utility (food/water/portals).
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Fixed that for you. :wink:

Ha! True. Some people prefer the challenge.

Level 10 isn’t the best way to get a feel for it. Mages have the bare minimum of their utility (Frostbolt/Fire Blast/FN/Poly) but Warriors have Charge, Rend (which is abandoned before you even really hit 60), and Heroic Strike. They lack a lot of what makes them tick. 30 is a better determination point, but the classes are very different. Mages are far better levelers and soloers, and are arguably better in terms of raw damage and utility in endgame PvE and PvP - but Warriors scale eventually (to meet Mages) and are a beast in PvP with gear and a healer.

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