Warrior Mobility

This is probably going to come off as a boomer wow player take, but I really think CD reduction needs to be stripped completely from all class/spec mobility and CCs, and possibly even defensives before we truly evaluate the “mobility arms race” fully.

I also feel there needs to be a look at double charges of mobility as well. Imo double step, double blink, double charge with 3 sec cdr, etc only serve to assist with a couple matchups against other brokenly mobile specs, and make the rest of your opponents miserable.

Some classes need to use every cc in their toolkit to peel each mobility cd a warrior has. But the problem is because of how many there are, that means the warriors mobility pulls the entire cc kit from the enemy, without using any of their own so they still come out ahead just by pressing them.

It’s especially weird because so many of these are either baseline, or there’s no reason to not take it. Double time used to force you to give up stun, which was an important decision based on matchup. Now some builds seem to be able to take leap, double time, bladestorm, and has access to 70% slows and roots.

I’m overall pretty okay with offensive CDR as long as it’s not insane.


That’s avarice

That was ferfykins


I’m still in shambles.


That’s right that is Adam

No other duelists were brave enough to publicly forgive takenotezz for roastymagegate. A hero

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Still probably the wildest NA wow arena scandal

Only Hydra getting his literal identity stolen so he lost rank 1 tops it


Lmao what? You don’t have the slightest clue what you are talking about, as per usual.


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Well, kind of. You can take a talent that causes Avatar to activate Bladestorm.

Bloodrage, the root break, is a Fury honor talent.


An actual root break is, like, the rallying cry portion of battlefield commander. Honorable mention to escape artist (gnome) even if it’s not actually tied to the class.

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The good old days

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They all break roots. What, you think because one is a Fury talent changes the fact that it’s a Warrior ability? Not to mention all the insane buffs Fury just got. You play the most braindead class in the game. You don’t think 3 root breaks is a tad ridiculous? What’s the magic number there genius? How bout all that cc mitigation? Warriors struggle vs Fear too am I right? There isn’t a single thing a Warrior doesn’t counter that a SP has going for them. Just close your face and change that dogwater transmog yesterday.

You can seethe all you want. Warriors aren’t the reason you are hardstuck 1200 no matter what you reroll to.

Edit: 1100*, I was being too generous.

Hardstuck? I played two or 3 solo shuffles this season as Disc. Ive never played Disc in arena lol.

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Come on man. He’s been 1700 almost.
Which, TBF, means he hasn’t hit the point where zug specs tend to drop off, so it’s pretty understandable how things would look from that perspective.

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Guess we should nerf druid too

This guy has a long history of incoherent meltdowns, his peak was during the height of SP being free and he still blew it.

How come warriors never acknowledge when they’re free

Meh I was a few points from 1800 several times but still I realize that’s not good either. Still a far cry from 1100. Its just funny to me that the bald moron is so fascinated with me. “No, no, Warriors have 1 to 2 snare removals at best”. Meanwhile MrAbsentminded over here runs Escape Artest, along with his minimum 3 root removals.

It’s definitely free to pick up and go as far as most people care to go.
I’m still thinking about that image Battlecruiser posted a couple days ago though that basically showed class participation vs how much of each spec actually makes it to 2100+. Arms is hands down the most played spec, but it was a few spots below the half way point, which is a fine place to be.

It’s gonna keep being annoying on the ladder for like 95% of players because it’s easy to play and in almost every RSS match, and pretty meh for the other 5% who’ve climbed past like 2400 later in the season.

Works fine since it DRs roots in general.

All that’s needed is to remove casting continuing while using shimmer, get rid of icy floes. Think Arcane might be the only spec that needs a bit of a mobility/cast nerf.

Problem with roots is they break to dmg, so…

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