You can say the same thing about warrior abilities. You don’t need to use your CC or gap closers when nothing will change if you do…
The difference is… if a player uses the brain (not meant as an insult btw) Warrior can save gap closers for those moments, where a lot of other classes can’t. Meaning a warriors go is harder to stop than most other melee.
Reverse the situation. A warrior that plays with a brain is also more likely to be able to stop your go, by using mobility to get in range to pummel for example or disarm. OR use their mobility to heroic leap out of LoS while another melee would be stuck where they are even without roots. They can use intervein to help themselves as well just to get distance or break LoS. It’s easier for a mobile class to shut down the enemy go as well.
Mobility doesn’t just make it easier for constant DPS or to land a kill with CDs it makes you harder to kill as well. The less mobility you have the easier it is to punish you for using it poorly. High mobility classes are harder to punish.
I’m not saying warrior is crazy over the top in terms of class power. You take any class in any state and give it more mobility, you make it more effective in both damage and survivability.
See and now we are back in hypothetical situations.
I dont really see an issue with either melee or ranged mobility since their are multiple lines of counterplay and reactions to anything anyone does.
I think these threads get created when someone gets trained down by two melee classes and gets upset.
Then we get the inverse when some melee gets the legendary triangle wizard formation and cant leave the pillar all game because he’s either going to die or be cced the entire time. So then he makes a thread about how casters are OP.
At the end of the day it’s just about game knowledge and that sometimes you are going to have that bad matchup like in every pvp game ever lol
I will say even if it’s just a rage thread, often times elements of truth are in them. It’s never as bad as the most upset player believes, I will maintain it could be a bit better.
I didn’t make this thread because I got trained down, I made this thread because Warrior’s mobility is broken. they are un-kiteable vs just about every caster class and hunters. Melee vs melee don’t kite each other. So, they get more uptime then just about any other class.
Double blink is not a thing (unless you’re talking about alter time reset to blink). Shimmer doesn’t remove stuns, and I wish shimmer would go away.
Blast wave is a godsend, but easily negated to all melee until they use all their gap closers. Seriously, try using blast wave against a survival hunter, any warrior, or a rogue, or a druid, or a death knight, or a monk, or a demon hunter, or literally any dang melee.
Rng roots are from frost.
And slows? Pathetic. Ours cap at 50%, or 60% with cone of frost.
But, I am in agreement. This arms race of gap closers is stupid. All classes need some serious pruning in the gap closers. Mages should just have blink, that’s it. And bring the other melee down too.
stolen from healer priests, a class with hardly any mobility.
needs to be removed, just beyond frustrating.
slows are fine, i only listed them because mages have slows on top of everything else which is extremely bloated.
on top of nerfing melee, they need to remove rng roots, remove displacement, give blast wave back to disc/holy, and that should make mage mobility fine.
At least we’d skip all the like. ToTT Trinket stacking, cloak and dagger teleporting, shuriken prenerf stuff. Zoo. Taste for Blood. Chaos Wave.
Yeah. That’s generally my big issue actually. The game outside of instanced pvp was more engaging. Pvping out in the world was more fun for ____ intangible reason. Probably class design.
Yeah true. Those were actually pvp servers. Damn I forgot how much I hate warmode lol.
Well, if it’s anything like wrath classic. that will all be gone. Layers preventing you from seeing people out in the world freaking sucks. Wrath I can’t even duel my buddy on the same server 9/10 times.
I mean, warriors don’t want to be kited all game long, and casters don’t want to be interrupted all game long. Has to be a happy point somewhere in the middle. Warriors have answers to almost everything in the game right now though.