Warrior Mobility

Sorry you don’t know how your spec works… Maybe next xpac you’ll figure it out.


Lmao go play a class that requires more then 5 macros and come back and talk.

Idk what macros have to do with anything but ret uses like 21.

Bro take off tat helmet lmao all warriors here using new tier helmet look funny as f.

My point is you act like warrior mobility is good when everyone knows its a problem topped with their damage. No class should have that much mobility and damage. Go look how many affy locks are above 2.1 in the US… zero but you go and look at warriors/dks/dhs there are tons.

Blizzard literally had to implement pre cog because they didnt want to reduce melee mobility but kept giving them ways to shut casters down. Its literally out of control right now and to act like its now is fried af.


Is not just mobility again… its their many ways of stopping avoiding cc that would otherwise stop other specs on their tracks.


And mage and warlock mobility is also a problem? How many times do I actuall yhave to say this exact statement to you.

Yes, warrior mobility is insane. But it currently needs to be insane to combat the mobility of casters. If you want to nerf warrior mobility you need to also nerf caster mobility. Can you please for the love of god, comprehend what i’m typing for once.

My buddy fazedoritos is 2200 on aff rn…

Blizzard implemented precog because of “bad” casters. Good casters have no problem. At r1 range right now, outside of dh cleaves “and sub rogues” double caster is dominating everything. Most casters don’t even need to cast or have multiple schools so even if they do get locked down it doesn’t stop them at all.


Again we have to have insane mobility because melee does… See what I did there?

Highest rated affy lock rn is 2053 in the US according to checkpvp held by dewandoritos.

Highest rated lock is Gamerdude and hes demo

It’s like talking to a brick wall with you. YES That is my point. If you want to nerf warrior mobility you need to nerf the casters mobility also. Because if you nerf warrior mobility do nothing to caster mobility warrior will not be able to do anything. IT’s a pure melee spec. It doesn’t have ranged abilities like ret and dk. It needs to have uptime to do damage.

Fazedoritoz 2195, come on dude.

Also if you wanna bring statistics into this there are 7 warriors over 2100 and 23 warlocks over 2100. So whys that? Isn’t warrior op? Not warlock?


I haven’t even attempted my Sp this season lol. I know better. I struggled with Warriors last season. I can’t imagine what it’s like now. I hear SP’s are having a tough time.

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Wasn’t aware mages were doing so well (they’re not)

Where are you seeing these stats? Literally looking rn on check pvp and the highest affy lock is 2053. Ofc there are more demo locks above 2100 itsa busted spec. You dont seem to get it though even if they reduced warrior mobility some. they still get their own freedom now on top of blade storm removing all snares and slows. on top of their stuns. Casters still have to cast and juke where warriors just do dmg and faceroll.

At this point we’re just going to have to agree to disagree because nothing you say would make me side with you and vice versa. Its a pointless argument

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There is nobody by that name where you say it is in arena right now. The dudes right. There’s a guy named Dewandoritos at 2053. That the only affliction lock over 2k.

There are still more destros alone than warriors, so is warrior just a bad spec? Lock op?

Casters have to cast and juke, while melee like warrior only do damage while on top of their target. So what happens when you can’t get on your target because the caster your playing against has significantly more mobility than you? You don’t do any damage. Also, most casters barely have to cast nowadays or have multiple schools to cast on, so getting interrupted doesn’t matter.

ht tps://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/us/tichondrius/fazedoritos



Got u.

God i wanna play aff. Ahhh why do i have to divide my time between sod and wrath and retail.

Destro has shadow, chaos, fire, 3 schools of magic again a busted spec. Again even by reducing warrior mobility a little would be huge and they would still be just fine.

Explain how you would reduce warrior mobility a little. Also you just said 2/3 warlock specs are op. Sounds like warlock is just op no?

Demo is a control spec but the damage is very manageable, destro is high burst and harder to shut down with multiple schools of magic.

Reduce the range of leap? Give charge a longer cd make warriors able to be cc while in blade storm? I mean there are lots of ways

Warrior doesn’t have to change just because you face adversity.


Demo has some of the highest damage in the game rn…

Ok and how do you propose a warrior connects to a mage if these things are nerfed?