Warrior is the worst melee in game currently

this is far from the truth, arms is no where near insane. Arms is “balanced” there are still many specs way above it

Feral and surv are on par with Arms, outlaw and assa don’t have to be good when you have sub rogue.

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This kind of take is asinine, like seriously. What a ridiculous stance to take on game balance. I’m glad I’m on a train so I don’t feel the urge to engage with whatever else you might say today.


By that logic, Arms doesn’t need to be good when he has Fury. HeeHOO-


Arms doesn’t have to be good when you have fury warrior.

It’s getting a 15% rampage buff too! Just play fury like you think all rogues can just play sub.


Hahahahaha :100:

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these bastards destroyed the arms. and it’s not just the warrior. They killed pvp, there is no hotfix, they abandoned the game guys.

wretched, there is no other definition.

I’m not sure what crack pipe you are smoking my man.

At any given time in the last 2 years 1 of warriors 2 dps specs has either been the most meta or most represented melee spec in arena pvp, beaten occasionally by ret pali when they are OP. Warrior consistently out performs most melee and to be honest most classes in general in arena.

Their damage is possible the most consistently high dps in arena right now, second maybe only to DH… AND warrior gets a reliable and strong mortal strike. If you think your dps is low in arena, maybe you need to look at your rotation and play style instead of begging for buffs on an already very well placed dps spec.

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Arms has traditionally been the pvp spec same with sub.

Mmm idk about that

A certain specs kit might make it more suited to PvP than it’s counterparts but that doesn’t make it the sole dedicated PvP spec for the class. And it doesn’t justify neglecting the other specs because “other spec better.”


Then Arms doesn’t have to be good when we have Fury warrior?

^This. If Blizzard intends to focus on one spec for PvP, they should let us know.

“Hey, this is the official spec you should use for PvP. We don’t care about the other two specs unless it’s PvE.”


I want to be competitive in high rated arena as protection warrior

There are more 2400+ arms and Fury warriors each than there are all Rogues. Including Sub. Warriors are fine.

Name me a melee class that can play with every caster and every melee except rogue that isn’t warrior. There isn’t one. War still the best melee, even moreso after the buffs and casters getting nerfed.

How’d this thread get so long

These aren’t peels

According to Drustvar, the same number of games have been played in the last 72 hours by fury as all rogue specs and way more by arms. Warr is one of the most played classes and will have representation as a result. Doesn’t necessarily mean the class is in good shape.

This can also serve to inflate the perceived power of warriors (specifically in shuffle, considering that’s the metric a lot of people are using these days). Warrior probably has more favorable matchups in most lobbies because of its ability to synergize with most classes. For example, a lobby with a warrior, ret, mage, and dk basically gives the warrior an actual comp they are decent with in all rounds of that shuffle. All this to say if shuffle stats are going to be used to “balance” then warrior is probably going to end up trash can tier to compensate for its ability to be a chameleon and fit into most comps due to its kit.

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People dont flock to the weak class. Warriors are fine.


people flock to classes that are simple and easy to pick up.
It’s a balance between how strong a class is and how hard it is to swap to.