Warrior is the worst melee in game currently

No going to argue that warriors aren’t ridiculously easy to play they are. But they most definitely are not weak in pvp.

all my warrior friends are legit. honestly, id trust them more than anyone that makes a derp post

no kidding cause thats a slippery slope for anyone that doesn’t heal pvp

I’m not really saying warriors are weak. Some of the takes are a bit dramatic in that regard. Point is though, certain classes will attract players for reasons other than their max potential for pushing rating.
Like hypotactically even if mage were a more powerful class in the hands of someone who was really good, if warrior was good enough to push to 1800 on without much effort, like 90% of the playerbase is going to choose the easy option.
Some classes just thrive at lower ratings, and lower ratings is where the vast majority of players exist.

Warriors are definitely not weak. Warriors are stupidly strong if played right.

If anything they could use some nerfs - MS stacking with dampening and 3 gap closers on short cd’s is ridiculous.

RSS lobbies have been flooded with high amounts of warriors since this expansion launched.


opinion noted.

im sorry but my warrior homies are not anything like u are saying. they are kind and gentle and really care about how ur doin.

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Trying playing DK in arena… it’s miserable.

warriors are def not weak lol.

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Rampage buff does not make sense when specs like outlaw are considered. Idk what data they’re looking at to arrive at the conclusion that fury warrior needs damage worse than outlaw.

ok chillpills

completely fried take lol. outlaw rogue exists and every single warrior spec including prot is better than outlaw right now lmao.

Hope you mean frost, because UH is borderline busted rn.

I…don’t know about that. Maybe Frost as a generalist pick without a comp sort of structured around it but Unholy is extremely powerful and even Blood seems somewhat potent.

Especially when we get another 4-8% aura buff in a few weeks, lmao. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

You’re just saying that cause you took the top two blooddk spots Kennie. I know your games.

Three. Used to be four but I tanked my Worgen trying my BG padding build. All the other Death Knights have been off playing Unholy for obvious reasons, so that’ll probably change very soon.

IT does amuse me that 5 of the top 10 are you and Amatox lol

Contemplating another DK but I’m afraid one of my associates will stage an intervention and have me thrown into a padded room.

I literally have 100 alts, having disposable income to run a second account of silly alts is nice. So unless you’re anywhere near me I think you’re fine lol.

Bruh that name. Make that your main DK.