I think because the gameplay is different than the other two specs.
Outlaw high APM vs Sub is timing burst & Assassination poison peeps and running away.
I think because the gameplay is different than the other two specs.
Outlaw high APM vs Sub is timing burst & Assassination poison peeps and running away.
This. Knowing how to keep your plates spinning and such makes a world of difference.
Also just lack of game knowledge that isn’t being propped up by the spec being op like sub this season and assa last season
Queued into drake on outlaw last night and while it wasn’t very high mmr he was certainly cranking
Yep it can do damage but not as par as other specs/meele comp.
If RTB rolls damage buffs + ghostly strike + just aoe blade flurry everyone we can pressure well.
If bad rolls, oh well.
If the person specced into mastery helps ALOT with pressure. My main Gauche does more damage than my sinister strikes.
dawg on my 440 pvp ilvl war it does 30-50k a tick, wth are you doing lol.
Watched an outlaw shred Laros (WW) and Dorito (Mage) yesterday. Idk what it looks like on plate, but into leather and cloth it was doing some wild damage.
I was on my mage and while I’m still learning it definitely hurt
Right. Outlaw’s biggest problem right now outside of gcds being eaten by maint buffs and a messy talent tree is zero execute potential.
We do respectable damage but it’s a slow burn, and we don’t really have any burst to get through stops or finish people off.
Buff Killing Spree.
Just buff KS with immune cc like warrior BS would be great
Or some other solutions:
They could either give us a damage add on modifier when it finishes to those we hit.
Make it like some form of execution like Killshot/Execute.
It’s called killing spree but its more like noodle spree.
Ah, to relive the glory days of primal with guile and skilling spree.
I think my friend said according to nessper outlaw is kind of a support spec right now, which isn’t a bad thing to be, but is probably pretty rough in solo shuffle
Definitely. And you can lean in hard with it with certain PvP talents (mini-lust, mini-sprint, vial hot).
Your whole kinda deal right now is “holding the line” shutting down whatever needs to be shut down, with pressure or cc or both. And creating setups in-between. But you’re rarely the one doing the killing.
That’s really the issue with slam. Arms is pretty GCD locked with 3 other buttons that essentially just do damage, but more than slam. It’s not a viable rage dump if you’re rage capped but you can press MS / OP / Execute.
I’m a sick individual who actually really thought hard cast slam was a great concept. It punished people for trying to go toe to toe with the warrior because you could fill all the downtime with slam spam (not that it was ever actually good in pvp, but it was a neat concept).
Exactly. Slam does mediocre enough damage to give it its own gcd and use as a rage dump.
strong disagree. Arms is insane right now.
Not it’s not lol
Pressing it raw instead of during cooldowns, obviously
well yea, why would you ever press it raw.
Outlaw, Assa, FDK, Feral, Surv, are all much worse than warriors