Name a melee that is worse than warrior right now. All the PvP modifiers have been nerfed to mars and back… damage is weak… the buffs to overpower, mortal strike, and bladestorm mean nothing because all the modifiers are gutted. Fury may be a bit better but Arms is in the dump. Cannot think if a melee in a worse place than warrior. And you cannot even really peel for teamates anymore because intervene and rally cry both have been gutted also.
Strength-build mage is pretty awful.
But seriously though, I haven’t logged in yet but I am hearing that bonestorm is cutting people up pretty badly. Any thoughts?
40% bladestorm buff only made it do 3k more damage LMFAO still does just 17k a tick
it ticks for like 15k lol
Outlaw rogue
Assassination is worse than outlaw.
Award for most fried take of the week goes to…
Assa is way more threatening than outlaw
Warr is in a good spot. You should probably calm down.
No its not ask anyone who plays a warrior. Your bias take does not matter.
bias take? that’s funny. Naw, they are fine.
Warrior definitely isn’t in a great spot, but I honestly forget outlaw exists. I haven’t seen one in so long.
It’s really not
If the Assa rogue is good(most aren’t) then it’s definitely more threatening.
Outlaw rogue damage tickles.
Have you fought a good outlaw rogue since the buffs? Not saying outlaw is amazing or anything but the damage of outlaw vs sin is pretty comparable. Sin’s burst gets negated by just about everything nowadays because of the way deathmark works, and it has significantly worse defensives and mobility than outlaw.
This isn’t even just my opinion, Kalvish has said multiple times on stream that outlaw is better than sin right now.
I Have seen a few outlaws and yes they do pretty good damage.
LOL. How do you get these emojis? haha, that dragon one.
Arms feels much better in 3s but i hear its still garbage in shuffle and 2s.
are you done with shuffles on your warrior ?