Perhaps Blizzard’s think is that since you guys are pumping out the major damage that it somehow has to get somewhat limited Rage. It kinda makes sense.
I’m sure you guys don’t want a repeat of the beginning of season 1 in where two weeks y’all got giga nerfed.
S2 is full of damage over times, magic damage. Warriors historically have never been good at dealing with that, and have next to no utility and are extremely squishy when you compare them to the other dps. That’s why they sit low on the tierlist. Tierlists are not just about uunga buunga faceroll numba.
Can warriors excel? Obviously. No one is saying they can’t. But why gamble on a class that is low util, squishy, over better ones that exist? It’s just common sense.
Incorrect. Warrior is middle of the pack if you mean s1. s2 will be horrible for them. With how many swirlies force them away from packs will kill most melee classes that don’t have the tools in their kit to adjust, and thats warriors.
Pallies it won’t matter at all cause they can play semi at mid range or just bubble and uunga buunga
Rogue has been last place in representation for nearly 5 years, and has not gotten a single meaningful buff.
As an example, you are more likely to run into five Ret Paladins before a single Rogue of any spec during any form of gameplay. You are more likely to run into three Protection Paladins before running into a single Rogue of any spec during any form of gameplay.
You are more likely to run into eight Shamans before a single Rogue. Six Hunters. Six Priests.
Even if OP was trolling, Blizzard does not care about play metrics of classes/specs at all.
Part of the problem is the Devs complete addiction to spike damage, instead of consistent damage. They focus on the damage that is part of the burst and ignore the rest.
The issue is that Arms was set to be REALLY good (strong A) … but ONLY for ST.
For AoE, we were still very mid. Which means for the M+ game, you’re still a class that brings nothing useful to M+ (no Lust, no HS, no Brez, nothing), but you’re still just a mid DPS. Why bring this spec???
But ok… it was still set to be strong for raid (assuming a mostly ST raid, which the new raid looks to be).
Except we then just got nerfed.
I can’t really comment on how bad things WILL REALLY BE, when the patch notes said “5% nerf” … but then listed like five or six buffs in a row.
From my chair, I don’t care what Max’s tier list says. I don’t care what Critcake says (as much as I respect Crit, he’s #1 for a reason). I don’t care what anyone else says… I need to play it myself and see how it shakes out.
But I have a feeling we will be solidly mid for both ST and AoE. Which… is where we were in the first place for S1. Where we’ve been … like… forever.
But again, I’m sure y’all don’t want a repeat of season 1 where you guys got giga nerfed because you were pumping out major/too much damage.
From what I can tell, your damage now is excellent. You don’t want to over do it and get on Blizzard’s radar. I keep telling my fellow ret paladins this.
That’s a fair enough assessment. At least you’re not dooming and glooming like some other Warriors.