Good lord, you’ve been indoctrinated…
sarcasm, my friend, sarcasm…lol.
I love my warriors, I will NOT be boycotting them…
I should have picked that up. Sorry
nah…the way things are headed in the game…i might have been
some serious activist type…i understand!
I usually invite warriors or look for groups with warriors in them when I’m pugging, wdym. Battle Shout is a good group buff for a lot of comps, and Arms/Fury do good damage.
Wario u so funny and u do know this is nota Wario game no Mario or Wario in this game
Ive no idea what you just said…
i will play them more now just to spite your words.
You played the new season already? Wowie.
Wario knows
Finally got it to switch my avatar to my warrior lol
…well the pic is of my warrior by still says my Evoker lol the forums man…
I can stop laughing!

Trolling aside, this season is not looking good for warrior. Good luck getting invites at all to the people pugging as warrior.
Why? I honestly don’t understand.
I just read the patch notes for Warrior and you guys got massive, massive damage buffs. Enough to make us paladins jealous as he!!. Why is Warrior not looking good? Even Critcake is excited for the new patch.
I think the main concern is rage generation. Can’t do the massive damage if we’re rage starved. I haven’t kept up, will try it myself.
Oh and now my tag changes lol
We’re looking good for meters, and Blizzard traditionally just doesn’t let that last very long, which means we’ll be back to not getting into groups because we have no meaningful utility and the damage brought can be brought by a class with meaningful utility, if not exceeding it.
im guessing it’s only effecting Arms and Fury? i main Protection and havn’t seen the changes for 11.1
Man are warriors all drama queens or something
They’re not the strongest thing in the game so they all have to act like they’re entirely unplayable
Despite being flat out better than other classes

OP is being overdramatic about the patch notes
OP spent quite a bit of time testing the changes. New prot is clunky after the rage changes leading to periods where you don’t have a button to press, and that just feels bad.