Warrior Boycott

That’s the thing about listening to the top 0.0001%—they do things that 99.9% of the player base will never be able to do, so there’s no real point in bringing up these outliers at all.

They could take the worst specs in the game into the hardest content and still clear it, but that doesn’t mean anything to the broader average player base.

This is why we see Retribution Paladin’s popularity. It’s not top damage in Season 1 by any means, but it’s one of the most played classes because it’s easy to play, can ignore mechanics, and can simply faceroll while still doing decent damage. Not to mention has crazy utility.

Well maybe they should come out of stealth lol (jk)
About as rare as Mages.

This is the analogy I’ve been using more and more: speed running of old 8bit games.

Think of a beloved franchise. Like Zelda.

Do you think that game would have reached it’s monumental status… if you only have 9 minutes to beat it? I mean beat the ENTIRE GAME.

And yet… it’s POSSIBLE. People do it all the time now.

That doesn’t mean that’s the best VERSION of that game experience. Or even how it’s “meant” to be played.

So many people on these forums focus too hard on trying to make every player a sub-9min Zelda clear. And if you can’t do that, you shouldn’t even be playing.

You’re missing the point …

I’ll still be playing my warrior, but Felsavior here will probably be played more often than she has been.

Ima boycott YOU

You’re just bloated.

thats incorrect.

Arms AE is very strong with the buffs to CLEAVE— arms will be just fine

A+ to S tier for M+
A- /B+ for raids.

The raid is super melee unfriendly-- and all melees will drop a tier or 2 in the raid because its more spread based and crap is all over the ground.

S2 raid is more so than ever a RDPS meta

I mean… I haven’t read that anywhere

…but I’ll defer to what I’ve already said: I’ll form an opinion once I can actually play it.

well you would have had to play PTR to see it.

Arms was strong as bull when i played it last week

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Does that mean we already have Granddad and Huey lurking around these forums? What about Tom or Stinkmeaner?

I said “read.” Endless amounts of people have discussed all the changes on the PTR.

All of it, and I do mean ALL of it, was about how our ST was insanely strong, but our AoE was mid.

And you said “last week.” The nerfs to Arms didn’t come but 2-3 days ago. I think it was Friday night.

I’ll tell you in an hour… :wink:

I just got this toon geared… I’m not swapping.

also Izen jsut released the PTR results for Mplus-- and arms is super.

So his data is fromt he PTR empirical results, not opinions.

I see Fire Mage dropped lol Im happy as i hate all mages

I do not know why they nerfed the rage gen. Its so slow now. Use to be a high octane class/ spec. They mentioned wanting to tone down the apm, but prot warr isnt even the highest apm class. where is prot pallys apm nerf?

prot warr use to play smooth, like a river of rage, and it played wonderfully with its second order effects like anger management and violent outburst and indomitable. if one did not notice the rage gen nerf, then they were not doing their rotation correctly.

prot got a major rage gen nerf. slowed down the class a lot, in a bad and clunky way.