Don’t play them, don’t invite them.
The only way Blizzard will listen is if representation is as close to zero as possible.
Don’t play them, don’t invite them.
The only way Blizzard will listen is if representation is as close to zero as possible.
that means you cant play this toon either for the rest of your life
I’m not until they do something about the rage nerf and crap utility in keys.
then why not post on your main?..
As a single minded fury warrior…what happening? I have too much rage all the time.
What??? Warrior for life.
This thread reminds me I need to make a RileyFreeman character.
Why would I not?
Isn’t Arms looking to be great in 11.1, with fury being just fine if not great?
(So long as we ignore those awful new Arms animations, those probably do deserve a boycott)
What if I don’t care about M+ but still like playing my many warriors?
They’ve said they are going to be updated more in a future patch due to the feedback. Unfortunately it seems like they’re going live with the new ones in the meantime. Although Colossus Smash isn’t bad. They already got rid of the ghost weapons for it. They’re still there for warbreaker though. It’s awful.
That worked so well for Brewmaster.
Didn’t they roll back a lot of the negative changes with rage? All I’ve really seen is buffs on the last few blue posts for most warrior specs. I know for prot they still nerfed it some but they’re compensating in other areas.
Oh I missed that. Great news
Touch grass.
Warrior is great.
If anyone should be boycotting, it shout be Brewmasters who haven’t received a rework in 10+ years.
Brann Bronzebeard received a tank rework before Brewmaster’s did.
It was literally unnerfed but you kept the compensation, what?
botcott Demon hunters and dragons !!! real
No utility he screams sporting two stuns a fear , spear, rally, a miriad of walls
sounds kind of un-inclusive to me…
even un-eqiuitable…
and definitely un-diverse…
“Don’t play them, don’t invite them.”…
no warriors…?
i could never be so un-kind.
wait, what’s wrong with warrior?
…other than that (imo) they don’t feel like warriors?
this is what they do to keep the game alive…
nerf/op/nerf/op, rinse and repeat…cyclically.
gives us something to squabble and fret about…
keeps us occupied.