Warrior Boycott

I have a feeling rogues and Brewmaster monks would disagree.


Lol, if people did a Monk boycott, nobody would even notice.


Thank goodness, still dumb for Warbreaker but I don’t use it.

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ah. ok, see, that’s a problem.

i’d just make warriors consistent. have them feel heavy and slow, yet tanky/strong as heck.
…except fury. i’d turn that one into god of war-lite.

fury should be a conan-ic barbarian
howling into battle…powerful…agile…deadly!


yeah but like… if i remember correctly, conan only used one sword, not two.

plus, kratos in the original god of war, felt heavy, and hit like a truck with his dual blades, as long as you were mashing the buttons.

OP is being overdramatic about the patch notes.

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I honestly don’t understand. I was under the impression that Warriors received massive buffs in the last two weeks. So much that the recent 5% nerf will hardly affect them according to Critcake.

So, why the so-called Warrior boycott? :thinking:

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If we hide the crayons we will never hear from warriors again.


many times in the books and stories
he can be found dual wielding axes,
maces, swords.

Oh goodie!! I love boycotting boycotts. Time to break out my warrior and play her.

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I don’t think it will take that much effort to convince people to not invite warriors.

ahh… well, maybe then. i just want fury warriors to have MASSIVE aoe, and button-mashing potential.


absolutely…and arms should have massive single target capabilities.


All because of M+… go figure. :roll_eyes:


arms should get an ability, where they slam their weapon on the ground, and cause a line of damage in-front of them. like the cataclysm ability shamans have.

i mean… i think that’d be cool.


that would be awesomely appropriate!

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Brewmaster? I only see 2 specs for Monks…

Trolling aside, this season is not looking good for warrior. Good luck getting invites at all to the people pugging as warrior.

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IF there are 3 Fury warriors in a group they should automerge. The largest Fury warrior picks up the other 2 (one in each hand) that are also dual wielding. Mega Fury Warrior then goes on a devastating Death Whirlwind rampage.