I agree with Grresh
I agree. May as well delete destro warlock too while we are at it. They need their entire full BiS (with the set geared towards them for this phase) just to keep up with affliction wearing gear from last phase.
The spec is dead as a doornail next phase just like Arms without massive buffs since next phase the set is for affliction.
I wish more folks would do this, in bg If that ret is not r14, he probably is using is pve weap.
I still think armor pen is the easiest solution, minimum 5 sunder with some scaling, the scaling can be tuned to keep the damage in check.
this is just incorrect
currently a instant raptor styrike of wyvern strike does 3x the damage of a mortal strike from a 2h hunter
250% MS with armor pen is still well below what many classes can do in a single spell
starfire is a 1.0 sec cast, always ignores armor, and does 4-5x a MS dmg on 0 armor so almost 10x the damage to a target with armor currently.
warrior needs about a 100% increase in dps just to catch the next worst dps, so there are almost no amount of dmg buffs u can gives arms right now and have it be “too much”
A lot of the problems are that the other classes damage suffer from major inflation.
When I heal in my shaman I don’t fear a warrior outside of interrupts on me. They don’t kill me solo. My sham is not abusing the leg rune. Just keep my hot and earth shield up.
Hunters delete me after cc’ing me in trap. Even when I root them in dead zone I eat kill shots.
Druids will delete me when I try and heal others, not interrupt ground them. Starfall is unreadable. I might keep mysel and one other person up if I don’t eat a stun proc.
Paladins get 3-7 k judgments if I am not purging them. I know that is in pve gear, but pally has always abused pve gear because of their outs.
Those are the big ones that I can think of. Warrior did not get deleted, just purposely left behind.
the purposeful part is the lamest part about all of this, and it absolutely was
If you look at the week 6 damage rankings too, it may as well be deleted as a spec from the game at this point.
It makes destro look viable.
Second wind is a must. Spell reflect on neck rune.
Spell reflect would be nice, we could use aoe help as well, lol… we are a mess of a class right now.
whats wild is frost is a top PVE spec lmao
devs wear helmets to work
how are we entering naxx here soon and arms is still doing less dmg than all the tanks and half the damage of the next worst dps…
Blood and Thunder would also be an amazing rune for warriors in general (spread rend via thunder clap)
Rend is…‘not good’. Apparently even with full raid buffs and a raid-level weapon it only ticks for around 500 dmg with Blood Frenzy.
Now…if BnT were to also spread Deep Wounds. Then BnT would be pretty neat to have.
rend is like 2-3% of your dmg runed, its pretty terrible
I think they believe fury and arms would play too similar to spend a significant amount of dev time on it. And with fury being the high performer, why would anyone play arms if it parsed 100 dps less? Probably nobody. So they would have this back and forth balancing act that would take a lot of time they don’t have.
this logic didnt apply to any other class
hunter and rogue get all 3 talent trees playable + tank specs (rogue) + 1h and 2h melee specs (hunter) etc
There is no logic
Claim SoD will have an openworld focus, fail that and balance everything around WBs and some arbitrary WCL bars that only apply to within raid in specific settings in a raid group etc etc bricking the openworld and creating abysmal broken pvp
Claim to cater to the casual pve player, meanwhile release a “pvp event” in STV with classes wildly broken, refuse to fix anything cause well pve is king amirite? Who doesnt like to collect gear to have it then rot in the bank and raidlog once a week.
Pikachuface when their numbers plummet hard p2 to p3. We’re the dummies huffing copium thats running out that we’re still playing this, the smart ones already quit
the irony is the gap from top to bottom in SoD is actually a larger gap than 2019 vanilla lol
an arms warrior to an aff lock is like 130% dps, whereas a bis fury to a ret paladin was only 70%.
It’s silly, has to be some type of bias, lead dev was bullied by an arms warrior who dated his mom or something… it makes no sense.
it is bias
they have outwardly displayed disaffection towards warrior, even meming on it at blizzcon. Rogue/mage/lock have been OP for 20 years in pvp/pve and theyre fine to keep strong in SoD, but warrior was #1 and beat rogue by a little bit in 2005 with world buffs and only in pve (not pvp) so now it has to be terrible in classic SoD?
when aggrend was buffing Ret (his main) in ICC for no reason the future was clear.