Warrior arms deleted!

warrior must remain in 2005 while everyone else is in 2015 and beyond

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thank you for still fighting the good fight

surely we will see arms buffs in this patch the system is down for.

i dont see many hemorrhage rouges running around. its all assassination/combat builds that focus on either mut/saberslash and a lesser extent backstab. I dont see ANY combat dagger rogues in a raid ever, or combat swords.

but combat is still playable

it does almost double the DPS arms does. Arms is now below every single tank as well.

its so funny talking to someone that plays rouge and theyre like “combat is so bad ugh!” and it does almost as much damage as Fury and double the damage of Arms. First world problems lmao.

My point is it’s not a supported spec. You said combat but you missed the whole sub spec tree. Also rogue tanks spec combat, not a DPS rogue

Backstab build played sub, far enough down for prep last phase. Now it’s 30/8/13.

Mutilate and combat play seal fate/blade flurry 30/21/0.

Hemo specifically doesn’t have rune support, you could say that’s a problem but rogues have 4 specs and every single of one of them is better at dps than arms, better at pvp than arms, and probably better at tanking than arms (evasion is pretty cracked).

Are you really gonna try to make this an argument that one specific talent build for rogue isn’t supported when they created runes to make 2 entirely new builds (tank and mutilate), as well as revitalizing rogue’s third and fourth builds?

it is a supported spec, its just around the dps that fury warrior does and as such is lower on the dps meter. Its not as OP as the other rogue specs and hybrids but its still PLAYABLE and as such, supported. Arms, by contrast, does half the dmg of the next worst dps and is below all the tanks. It is NOT supported. A dev, Zirene, even said so.

People like to point out BM hunter and Combat rogue as not being supported because its not as grossly overpowered as their other specs but they fail to realize that theyre still doing double the dps an Arms warrior can do. Theyre still on the dps meter and can beat tanks. Arms cannot.

What’s your thing for arms warriors? At this point we’re splitting hairs and I’m a warrior main. It’s not being supported. Let it die

Warriors are prot only in sod - Aggrend

let’s see… every talent tree of every class in the game got support to make it PLAYABLE, and yes, combat/BM are playable because theyre even doing as much or dps than FURY warrior. Theyre just not grossly overpowered like their other talent trees. And then on top of that classes got MORE ways to play. So a rogue has 3 talent trees that are playable in PVP and PVE + a tank spec. Mage has Frost smashing, fire playable, arcane + healing all as options. Hunter has all 3 talent trees + the ability to 2h and 1h dps. Druid has boomkin as #1 and feral + healing + tank all playable. Priest can disc or shadow and be top tier, and even holy is playable.

But warrior got funneled into prot or fury, none of which are even that good. Fury has been towards the bottom and sometimes losing to the worst dps option another class can take. It is also entirely based on raid and world buffs. I.e. a shadow priest will do 10% more dps in raid but 300% more dps outside of raid than fury, making fury really unfun overall to quest, pvp, open-world, farm with.

And then warrior has a 3rd talent tree that is entirely neglected and unused, and the only one in the whole game to not get any support or updates for SoD. And it does HALF the damage of the next worst dps spec in optimal raid conditions, making it completely unviable for all game content. Loses to all the tanks and even healers in some cases. It’s left in 2004 while fury is in 2008 and every other class is in 2015 and beyond. Classes got 500% to 1000% dps increases but Arms just was left in the dust for some reason.

Obviously it’s because of developer bias. They set out to make warrior the worst, weakest, and least viable class overall to play in SoD. Fury is given the bare minimum to be around the bottom of the meters in optimal conditions and left terrible without raid and world buffs, generally being worth half a class or less in non-raid conditions.

He wants ARMS to be top DPS even though you can just go 2 Hand Fury if you want to use a 2 hand weapon and the play style is very similar(the top arms warrior on WCL seem to be using the same runes/abilities just swap MS and BS). Without Flurry or a damage % increase CD like Death Wish there’s just no way to make ARMS competitive in DPS without making every ability in the rotation(MS, Slam, OP, HS, QS) hit absurdly hard which won’t fly in PvP with the MS healing debuff. I want to keep my Healing Debuff, its always been the staple/identity of ARMS in Classic WoW.

Just give ARMS some PvP buffs without giving AF about raids which would be very easy to do, its too late in the game to rework ARMS for PvE at this point when you got 2 viable Fury Specs for that already.

Whatever the next iteration of Classic WoW is (Classic+ or whatever) then sure somehow rework ARMS all you want with no excuses as long as it keeps its healing debuff unchanged.

I don’t think at any point anybody has wanted arms to compete in PvE, outside of general moaning for a 2h build to be viable.

Simple fact is hitting 350 mortal strikes is far too low when players have 10k+ hp. It feels really bad to play. A lot of classes just auto-win while letting you wail on them. Rogues can literally pop evasion and walk you down with backstab spam. There’s nothing you can do about it besides get lucky with torment procs. Overpower doesn’t hit hard enough.

That’s just the general issue with warrior. The broken outliers (tank specs, boomie, hunter, rogue) just munch our damage and kill us no problem. We can smack clothies (that aren’t tank locks) because we don’t do negative damage to them, and that’s something I guess.