I don’t know how the Blizzard devs managed to mess up Arms Warrior this badly. Rogue tank, Druid tank, Shaman tank, and Warr tank all deal more damage than Arms. Arms Warrior is terrible according to the Season of Discovery Phase 6 DPS Rankings - Ahn’Qiraj Week 4. Where did such incompetence come from? They couldn’t fix it, and they effectively deleted Arms Warrior from the game. Here’s a tip: just match Warrior damage to Ret Paladin’s, and keep in mind that Paladin deals holy damage.
Zirene, a dev, said they arent supporting arms in SoD. Weird, since rogues get 3 talent trees that are all fine or amazing in PVP and PVE, and hunters get 1h and 2h melee specs that all do way more damage than arms, we get mage healers, tank rogues, the list goes on.
But one of the original talent trees? NAHHHH. Please, never, ever try to make a real classic+ blizzard.
Warriors have 3 DPS specs that all play different in SoD. 2H Fury, DW Fury, and Gladiator. Gladiator sucks, but so do most of the other class’s 3rd specs.
All i really care about is that there is a decent 2h spec. I can’t imagine what rune screwiness they’d have to do to make me pick mortal strike over flurry with our already bloated rotations
it’s really funny/sad that people keep copium-huffing about SoD being “a beta for the REAL classic+” when Blizz has shown that they have no idea what made vanilla special, and gave us Cata class design in vanilla content.
^Lol speak for yourself, Era/Fresh is right there waiting for you.
SOD isn’t perfect but its better than bare bones classic by a country mile(especially for people that don’t want to do the exact same content over and over again). If they don’t make a new version of classic after SOD I have absolutely no problem not playing WoW for another 15 years lol.
If arms warrior dealt ret pally dmg it would be obnoxious considering we have mortal strike. That would almost be shaman level OP lol.
Today we did 2900 in bloodmoon and in that 30 minute period our ret pally did 938k dmg while I dealt 439k dmg and I was pumping!! I was also putting mortal strike on targets which is huge.
A buff would be nice but doing ret pally dmg would be broken
The deep Arms tree simply doesn’t scale as well as Fury does when 2H Fury is a thing.
The only real reason to go down Arms is for PvP for Mortal Strike’s healing reduction.
I agree 100% with this
Imagine getting a hand of rag as arms only to be doing less dps than tanks SoD devs ICANT
Said in another topic about Arms.
new Rune, Colossus Smash. Which turns Mortal Strike into the Colossus Smash ability. With an addition that Overpower has a chance to reset the cooldown.
Run Taste for Blood and Blood Frenzy and you’ll be smashing a lot of enemies.
((For those who forgot, Colossus Smash’s biggest ‘gain’ is that it increases your damage to the target by 30%, in addition to dealing damage. And I do believe that damage increase affected Rend and Deep Wounds.))
…thinking maybe making it a Hands rune? I don’t know how powerful Quick Strike is for Arms. And I’d like to keep things like Wrecking Crew (MS damage buff) and Fresh Meat (psuedo-buff to MS damage via Enraged).
what kind of braindead logic is this? rogue is insane damage and can still stack wound poison on you or just kill you in a perma stun. Warrior cant bubble or heal other players, or cleanse, or freedom others, etc. No HoJ… Frost mage is doing insane dps right now. Boomkins are orbital space cannons with more armor than plate. Arms does less dmg than tanks and healers. 100% it has to do Ret level dps.
theres no such thing as 1h or 2h melee hunter from any talent tree and they built it entirely from runes and mongoose bite, raptor strike, and wyvern strike all on average deal about 3x the dmg of a mortal strike
its very fixable, they just choose not to
have you see frost mage dps lately? lol
isn’t that like, unacceptable? lol they’re just abandoning specs in SoD. lmao
I think the issue is talent tree related more than anything.
Fury spec goes into arms and gets all the good damage enchancers except axe spec (which 5 min recklessness makes up for some)
On the other hand Arms can’t get Deathwish and Flurry from Fury, two huge abilities for DPS. Especially on the really short fight times the top parsers do
It feels like a fury talent tree re-work to move flurry and deathwish earlier would have to be done to make it work. Or introduce some crazy runes that give the equivalent values to arms
Arms needs survivability in PvP more than damage. I’d take Second Wind, a Blood Craze buff, and a defensive CD that doesn’t completely gut our damage over a damage buff.
some genius thought normalizing rage was good for the game so their 2h crits give only 20 rage
have they still not given Warriors spell reflect yet? that’d be hilarious
best part of MS now is it doesn’t work against new runes/abilities and they can’t even fix that
why remove things when you can ADD things? 1h and 2h melee hunter are created entirely from runes, and they also have numerous times CHANGED TALENTS to make them better or work (shaman, druid, etc).
the only limiting factor here is their desire
It would be hella fun but also hella ridiculous if we had ret pally dmg. If you pvp’d this would be obvious.