WARNING! No way to get your old UI back

Then you must not have had all the action bars enabled, because there was never a time when they were stacked 3 high.

And thatā€™s a bad thing, why? And if you want it elsewhere you can arrange it that way.

I have three high and then two on the side vertically on mine, which is the way Iā€™ve always had it on mine.

first steps to be a bad expansion? I think itā€™s too early right?

but if there are things that I hate and do not configure as:

  • the raid option in normal small group no longer appears which you will have to do the old fashioned way with /readycheck and /pull time to control the game, and worse if you want to do flags or marks for focus target.
  • do not move AH count bar, when auctioning, offering or bidding various items such as pets, mats and consumable items, you would get a bar when you are adding items to AH, well it is the only bar that you cannot move along with the small options from the bottom right.
  • not avaliable for less than 1900x1800 not monitors, not only the video card problem, but also your monitor, which the interface will need to shrink in the case of adding the action bars from 6 to 8.
  • Some addons donā€™t work well like recount and hidebar, maybe they await the arrival of the expansion as well as the disappointing one-class lizard gators wings race of the Dracktyrs, but unfortunately many addons without warning are already obsolete.
  • bartender4 sucks, I really donā€™t recommend an addon that has no options and that your action bar from 6 to 8 disappears in use.

thing that the new interface is not being a bit well received among the community, itā€™s fine, but it has many, many problems.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Because it is a resource hog. I used it for years but over half the features I never even touched because truthfully I only needed it to up the size of basically everything after having 16 eye surgeries and office procedures mostly on my retinas. With the new UI I get most of what I used ElvUI for and with a few light weight addons I get the rest and save 1/3rd of the memory usage.

The only one I know so far that is working is the updated Bartender 4.

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Right? Iā€™m chilling over here with the same UI from before.

I turned them off just to prepare for my annual addon purge.

But yeah, I canā€™t imagine how people love having their health bar in the top left corner these days.

I like the new UI.

im really annoyed about the placement of the page tab being on the far left of the bar. its been on the far right for a long time. thats my mount bar. it takes extra seconds to swing the mouse all the way to the left and muscle memory send the curser to the right so thats now double the time needed to change mounts.

worse yet is if you get attacked while trying to AH items on your long boi, you have to get the ability bar back before you can do anything.

this often results on random toys i set on that bar to also get clicked because timing need to change bars while trying to use other abilites. things like. Mores Famous polish. who put that there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but the addition of more bars will prob give me a work around as i should be able to set a macro to act like the page up and page down button. :thinking:

that aside, the extra room lets me have all the details! windows open that i want instead of needing to page through them to see damage taken, damage done, and healing done.

just need a few more addons to get fixed so i can finish setting up the ui and start re binding buttons given how things on the far bar are more in the active area now.

There is no excuse why they cant just add an old UI option for those who want the pre-Dragonflight UI in all its form. I dont understand their logic on this.


Simple for new people. I canā€™t count how many friends quit when they got a new pc because all of the addons and transferring ui stuff was a nightmare now itā€™s all done in house. Poor take.

You are all acting like children over this UI change. Itā€™s not bad except for the icon size for the bags and calendar.

They did the same with the profession tabs. Totally useless now. All they had to do was make expansions collapsible. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be given a pink slip.

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My problem is that not everything is moveable. You canā€™t move the XP bars for some reason. You also canā€™t move where the bags open to. You canā€™t move the enemy cast bar off the enemy unit frame.

All they had to do was rip off everything FFXIV is doing with their customizable UI and it would have been perfect. But itā€™s like they made a new minimap, added checkboxes to move a handful of items, and called it a day.

Good grief omg omg.

Can we get a slit on the priests dress that I have to wear, you know how hard it is to run in a dress?

sorry, the new UI bothers me too.

some people didnt ask for it in the first place.

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Well, to be fair, the old UI allowed this person to customise their UI with Elvui whereas the new UI may not allow that (time will tell if Elvui makes an update for it or not).

So this person is basically complaining that they canā€™t use ElvUi like they have always done in the past.

Which is a fair complaint; they liked ElvUi and now they canā€™t use it anymore.

I used to use Dominos which is no longer making updates as of the new UI. Yes, the new UI is largely the same as Dominos. However, dominos allows me to hide the Talking Head box completely and this new UI does not.

So Iā€™m basically stuck with a worse version of dominos that is less customisable and no way to hide the Talking Heads that really annoy me.

100% Untrue

Bartender. Looks exactly the same. Even has the classic gryphons.

I will tell you something 100% true though. People as a rule of thumb hate change. Regardless of what Blizz did UI update wise? These forums would blow up with complaints.

The issue is really that people enjoyed their old UI and now they donā€™t have the option to continue to use it, which I believe is a fair complaint.

And, as I said before, the new blizzard UI is basically the same thing as dominos but less customisable. I used to only use dominos and now I have to use bartender and find a second add on to hide the talking heads.

So this UI ā€œupdateā€ caused me to move from using one add on to using two.

I like to use as few add ons as possible and this UI update did not help that.

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Again you can make bartender look identical to it. So yes the option is there. Is it ideal? No. If Blizzard had a lick of sense they would have made the new UI an OPTION. So that way if you preferred the classic UI you could have it.

Like I said the option I listed is not ideal but the option to get it back is there none the less

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