WARNING! No way to get your old UI back

What are you smoking I have my UI set the way it was before. 4 long bottom bars and 2 on the side. What is wrong with people they are crying over nothing.

I like the new customizable U.I.

I tinkered around with it last night but honestly even Bartender4 isn’t exactly the same as the good ole’ reliable “stock” UI:

  • the right-side action bar “overlaps” the mini-map at the top-right
  • right-side action bar also “overlaps” the little quest tracker section
  • dungeon/BG/LFR queue finder “green eyeball” icon in the wrong place and not moveable
  • giant/oversized top-right minimap STILL not editable or shrinkable
  • ingame calendar and time buttons still “teenie tiny” font size where you have to squint your eyes to see the buttons
  • raid frames still scuffed/not as neatly laid-out or organized as before
  • UI in general completely scuffed in epic BGs (specifically)… score or reinforcements count sections “overlap” other parts of the UI, boss frames scuffed/too tiny, boss frames out-of-place/in a weird spot on the screen, raid frames “overlap” other action bars or the chatbox, “LUA” errors left and right, and so on
  • etc etc

They just need to add a “stock UI” toggle button so players can have the UI look exactly like it was before prepatch - it’s that simple


The only thing I can complain about with the new UI is the option to change the mini map shape that is it.


i agree its not perfect but its atleast close enough lol. i am happy you can move thigns and resize them for sure. but i’m a point and click player and i have a setup style i use for all my chars and having to split bars so u have a stack 3 high is not going to cut it lol. i also have ocd and really like having my certain set up style lol. top left is my interrupt then u go into cds and defensives below that u got my rotation in order from 1 across. my mounts and proff. and such go on my right two action bars vertically stacked. hard to line up and set that up with 6 across bars.

I don’t want my old ui back
The new one is far superior
Elvui was so buggy I was so happy to unload it
Less bulky addons to keep up with


elvui still has a bunch of QoL things that trump the default ui

Man I can’t believe half the comments here either they have to be trolling or ironically really stupid,
If you don’t think it’s a new UI was better than the previous UI then you’re very stupid there’s nothing complicated about it took minutes to set up, now does blizzard still have a lot of work to do to make it better yes they do.

However there are much better add-ons than the default UI , elvui for example that’s also a lot of pre-built UI based on that add-on. And then there’s a lot other add-ons to supplement the default UI.

I swear people just want to whine about something something so trivial as a freaking UI no wonder the devs doesn’t want to listen to a bunch of cry babies

Of course it is going to be a major feature. That was a given. However, as stated before on another post, someone will recreate the classic design and put it up for grabs at some point.

I personally prefer Elvui, and it is the only thing that has kept me playing in prepatch. If I had to deal with losing my bar set up after saving it and having spent hours of effort arranging my bars, I would be pissed.

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Oh my friend, you’ll need a DeLorean that can hit 88mph to get back to those days.

Ever since they did the cutesy-cutesy job on the design of the Goblins in whatever expansion came before Shadowlands the “charm” has faded faster than a politician’s promises after the election.

The artwork and look of all the iconography has cheapened in its appearance. Never more obviously than in this expansion, or pre-exp, or whatever you want to call it.

If we hadn’t been playing it already and only logged in after being away from the game for a while, we’d swear it was a cheap east Asia knockoff called, Whirls of Warcraftiness


Wow having to go into an edit mode is work for you? jesus christ dude…

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People asked for new models but we still had a whole expansion to toggle out of them.

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I still prefer ElvUI. I don’t feel like the new UI went far enough.

Check out the latest download at Tukui for ElvUI.

I was able to get a my ElvUI back exactly like it had been before prepatch. The only problem right now is flyouts (like portals for mages or poisons for rogues) don’t work correctly on the bars.

However, you can open the flyout in your spellbook and drag the spell you want to an ElvUi bar and use it that way (example: the portal to Oribos works on the bar by itself, but you can’t currently open the “portals” flyout if it’s on your bar).

Yeah it has been an issue for hunters as well. But generally haven’t had any issues with it. I’ve been updating it on a daily basis.


youll get used to it like you all cried and hated what they did wit hthe last one.

then youll be on the forums “WOW BLIZZARD I REALLY LIKE IT NOW”

I used Bartender which I don’t need anymore thanks to this new UI. You can also replicate the old UI just fine, I really don’t know what people are talking about.

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Because when a game updates, sometimes that’s what you have to do. It’s always been that way. Something new comes along and you have to adapt to it.

An addon such as…ElvUI?

Or were you referring to just the old styles, rather than the UI itself?

This. The old UI, while familiar, was abysmal for anything beyond the most basic play.

To clarify, it could serve well enough to DO things, but not to do them WELL.

For example, you could heal with the default raid/party frames, but it was terribly inefficient and required you to litter your bars with macros or, more often than not, newer players will click to target and then vanilla cast things, and often overlook their kits. Such a player CAN heal, but they are going to be SLOWER than someone using custom frames like Vuhdo.

Recent UI changes have closed that gap a bit, though it doesn’t address the info overload issue of the default setup.

Custom frames are still going to be leagues better for healing, even if you’re REALLY good at using the default frames, simply because avoiding bar clutter and bar key bindings reduces the need to look, which naturally extends to better response time and more bandwidth for healer DPS.

Weak auras are phenomenal for pushing your game next level, and I don’t know that the revamp offers something comparable (yet).

Where I’m going with this is that, if you’re not really DOING anything in WoW, then yeah, the new UI is a little startling at first. But if you are, then chances are you’re using addons or have been using addons for much of this functionality anyway.

So why bother with a UI revamp? Because these are now NATIVE to WoW’s UI, which reduces memory footprint that addons incur more heavily as they have to wrap or interact with an exposed UI API, instead of the UI directly.

Opinion, a lot of people like new ui. Don’t like don’t play