If it honestly took you hours to figure out this UI, I’m very worried for your problem-solving capabilities.
It’s not the same three players, it’s that without exception these complaints have been people that barely touch any endgame content and somehow this change has exploded their brains and they can no longer farm herbs appropriately or something.
The complaints about the gryphons have to be the S tier of this thread though, wow.
What do you mean?
I’m fine with the UI for the most part, however I DO NOT like how the bottom right bar is all grayed out. The one with the dungeon finder, adventure guide etc. the icons are uninspiring AND they’re gray? Besides that, I think they did okay
hopefully theyre going to work on that part still. I can see it being a problem for some with vision problems. But its something we need to make repeated requests about…not like some here trashing these GOOD changes over something that still needs changed
I have to agree with this statement.
It almost looks as though it’s a placemat for something that we have to fill, I know it isn’t, but visually, that’s what it looks like.
Because it’s not the default anymore. Games change, especially over the course of 18 years. If you dont want to change and adapt with it, just like anything, you leave it/it leaves you behind.
Change is startlingly scary for a surprising number of you.
Aaaaand /thread
I’ve had no trouble putting the UI together into something that is adequate for my purposes, but as a longtime default UI user, the “classic” mode option does not look like my action bars in any previous incarnation of the default UI. All that seems to change when you move from “modern” to “classic” is the placement of your own portrait on the screen.
Yeah, the new UI is amazing… the first time in, honestly, I don’t know how long I am using the default UI. I guess it doesn’t bother me that I had to make a new UI because I generally dumpster my UI every 4 or 5 months. It never takes long to make a UI, and I try different things… Overall I am happy, the post on here ranting about it is literally the funniest thing I have read. Keep them coming.
There are so many things Blizzard needs to do to address their past mistakes. The UI changes are down on the bottom of a 100 page document in tiny footnote print. While taking some time to get used to, I’m fine with the UI changes. It takes a minute to get used to how it works now and so far I’m leaving it at its default setting to perhaps mess around with at a later time.
And I’m really interested in making use of the import feature on UIs folks come up with. I don’t see the appeal of taking my confusion over a new feature in the game and posting my tears about it. When told how to make it more to their liking even being shown they express what how did you do that? as if they can’t believe it possible. Then move on to the eagle is ugly. If they don’t revert the ugly bird then etc etc.
Well this could of been added to the thousand other bad posts about the UI but yes you can. Go to wowhead and import the old UI. There is an article with the import just copy and paste. Directions of how to do this are also there.
I didnt mention Elvui. Mainly because I have never used it
New UI is a huge improvement. Looks great.
I’m 1000% convinced all the people complaining are using a UI addon that is no longer supported and is most likely the same as those addons and just wanted to complain about it for the sake of it.
Then your wrong, i complained, Ive never had a UI addon.
And you would be wrong there are a lot of us that liked the base stock ui.
I have always played add on free I raid heroic, I run mythics and I pvp all without add ons.
I can’t understand or wrap my head around why people didn’t like the old lay out it was simple and uncomplicated.
I tank, dps and heal on my pally and I run the melee glimmer build and I click I don’t use macros just the base bar and ones that I add to the sides and a couple for utility items.
The only 2 keys I have got keyed on my 4 button mouse are divine toll and concentration.
I’m tired of people telling me what to like I like what I like
for god sake…they even have ME defending blizzard in here over this joke. lmao.
Trashing this company for 5 years now in here. Suspended more times than I can remember and even I can accept that this change is good.
What is it with all these attacks and belittling over a UI yeah so some of us liked the original compared to this new one it doesn’t give anyone the right to attack or belittle the other.
It would be like these same players who like the new UI all of a sudden had something they really liked and been using for many years taken away then others who never liked the thing came into their posts and started belittling and attacking them.
Are these posts getting out of hand yes, they are but still doesn’t give anyone the right to constantly try to make fun of your fellow player.
Maybe just maybe you know instead of attacking or belittling why not try and help them figure out what they have trouble with the new one.