WARNING: Customer Support and Account Validation

That got me thinking of some movie I saw once. It had converted a deceased person’s social media: instagram/FB like stuff into a virtual avatar that the person could visit forever. Some put their entire lives minute by minute on there so it wasn’t hard to emulate them.

Maybe that’s extreme, but I like to think that in the future we could do something with all these accounts on social media and games. I could see a future where even MMOs are more than just snapshots of a person, but entire visual novels. A long narrative.

Reminds me MYST: Book of Atrus or Otherland. Or if you’re a Star Trek fan the Holodeck. Then you have nightmares like The Cell (2000)

Whole worlds created by individuals that transcend time and space. Sorry went off on a tangent, but we put so much of ourselves online these days.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I told you a long time ago at the beginning of this thread that you ignored: asking in the CS forums for the correct path and help.

If a person’s Blizzard account is locked. There is no way to log on to the customer support forums to ask for help. Since you can’t post if your not logged in. All you can do is read random posts by other people. I tried looking through the posts but that ended to be futile.

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The only requirement for posting in the CS forums is a level 10 character. You can do that on a new and free account too. You don’t need to buy the game or a subscription for posting there. So anyone with a WoW account and a level 10 character (all of which you can do on a new email for free) can post there.

This is the part that you would need to clarify. Blizzard helps people daily with accessing old/current accounts where the account holder has lost access to their email or has neglected to update their email over time.

It’s a somewhat regular occurrence that they’re well prepared to help others with. What issue did you run into?


People tend to easily give up quite a bit of control in exchange for very little convenience.

After submiting a ticket explaining my problem I waited and got a reply saying they needed more information and to answer a group of questions cut and paste into a new ticket and submit which I did. Then some days later I received an email Stating that my issue was resolved. I still couldn’t log in. So I made another ticket and submitted that with the same information. Note: I couldn’t remember the answers to some of the questions and I also found the system to be confusing to use and convoluted. I got a reply to that one saying to submit more information. At that point I realized I had no more answers to their questions that I could remember so I tried submitting all of my information that I had: full name and address, telephone, payment method list of characters etc. Never heard back. At that point I gave up and worked on re-access my old email. Which eventually worked. I was able to then try to log into Wow which gave me the option to have a code be sent to my old email. which then I received and was then able to place that code into the Wow login screen and access wow again. I found the whole thing to be stress inducing. Because I realized that if I was not able to gain access to my old email I could not unlock my Wow account.

I have had several accounts starting from 2004 Last time a problem like this was around 10 years ago and that was resolved fast by a blizzard phone staffer. This time there was no phone help and I found myself lost. I think the CS system being used now is not intuitive and not helpful at all. That’s my opinion.

Thank you for your interest.

Hey now! I just had my 60th birthday & while I am nowhere near “most”, I do post here. I also have a cellphone, internet & play multiple online games (including shooters/shlooters)!!! I also have the authenticator.
:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Don’t keep opening new tickets. When you open a ticket, you will get a “canned response”. At the bottom of that are two buttons - one of which is “I still need help”. CLICK THAT BUTTON, fill in the box that appears. I had to do that just today - tried to retrieve mail & got an error which directed me to send a ticket to CS, who sent me a response that they don’t do that. Well, why is your system sending me there then??? (Literally, right under the error message was a box to open a ticket with them.) This opens communication with the team & you can add information while you wait if needs be. But honestly? As you yourself posted, keep your login information somewhere, check it regularly & update when necessary.

And you let it happen again by not keeping your information up-to-date? Perhaps because you expected to be able to call again & get your problem fixed by a service that was NOT in place to aid people with your issue? You (and many others) are lucky they helped you the first time, since that wasn’t their job and you were preventing people who had issues that they were there to aid with from getting the help they needed. I’m beginning to see why your OP was flagged. That’s the thing about these types of threads, a little more information is given each time the OP attempts to justify or explain why they started it in the first place. Again, keep track of your account information, check and update regularly, then you won’t have this problem again 10 years from now.

Yes you are correct. And after going through this I decided to make this post so that other players like me would be alerted to the fact that they should get their info correct before something like this happens to them. trust me it was a nasty event.

And you are right I was relying on phone costumer support for help. I had no clue that there was no longer phone support. Keep in mind I have been playing Wow for 20 years and have only two times that I needed customer support.

Thanks for your reply.

Oh and Happy Birthday!

LOL Thank you! I’ve been playing for 20 years too and had to use the Live Support for a billing issue once. We found out it was gone when we had another billing issue a few years later. Thankfully we were still able to get our issue solved.

This is inaccurate. Please see my post above. ( I believe it is somewhere around post 33).

When did Blizzard release this info? Do you have a link to it?

I don’t know what’s going on in this thread and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.

Did they not assist a single player with billing or support?

If I tell an airlines i want to go to some some location with no airport and they cant do that do we now say that :
“Airlines donʻt work.”

Its unfortunate a bunch of clueless people ruined what could have been a very helpful part of the game.

That people are people and refuse to realize itʻs not what they want it to be is the reason it didnʻt work and not the program itself.

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Heya, no worries. My point was they were just puking numbers (as in making it up) to support their claim.

If you call the airport billings dept to tell them that you want their assistance in picking your seat you will receive a similar reply

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Can’t they verify it by using your payment history?

I’m not sure why this post has been hidden, it’s long-winded but does not appear to actually violate any TOS. People need to actually read the TOS and report stuff that actually violates it.

No, they can’t as they don’t have access to your payment details. Additionally, anyone can technically pay for someone else’s account, but that doesn’t mean it becomes my account if I’m paying for it.

Unfortunately, it’s super-important for us as players to keep our information up-to-date, even with gaming accounts.

As for the OP, I’m glad you were able to regain access to your old email. You did mention that at one point you didn’t receive any reply at all. The only time that this is possible is if you replied to the email instead of opening a ticket, or if you closed the ticket. Usually it’s that people accidentally think they can reply to the email.

I’m not too sure either. They’re just providing feedback on an important topic really.


That’s one of my biggest concerns is the present CS system. For me I found it to be counter intuitive, convoluted, repetitive. In a nutshell: Confusing. At one point I received a reply stating that my issue was resolved. And to supple feedback on the service.

But nothing had changed. I tried checking for authentication codes in emails. I tried logging in to my Wow account. Over several days thinking something would change over time. But nothing. I was still locked out. As mentioned, It was not until I was able to access my old email account connected with the Wow account that I was able to unlock my Wow account.

Some people in this thread have blamed me either directly or indirectly for being an idiot and not being able to navigate the Bliz CS system. Yeah ok blame me. Nothing I can do about peoples perceptions or meanness. Although I am happy to see that some of the posters were indeed kind.

I certainly had an awful experience trying to navigate the Bliz CS system. I hope I never ever have to use this system again.

Thank you for your interest and kindness.

Oh ok! I’ll have to agree with you there, that particular poster has been puking all sorts of crap all over this thread, if we’re being honest. Can’t tell if they’re just a troll or if they really believe what they’re typing though.

The only reason I can think of is because of the one person who keeps posting argumentative, illogical, unsubstantiated & inflammatory responses. Why THOSE aren’t being flagged is beyond me though.

Yeah, the canned responses say that. You have the option to say, “No, it is NOT resolved” though.

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Earlier in this thread I made an ascertion regarding wow’s age demographics. Some people took exception to it. Some time ago Tigersan did a casual survey: Please check out this forum link: