WARNING: Customer Support and Account Validation

I had forgotten that I made that thread. I am ancient, and I was surprised that as a senior citizen gamer I had plenty of company. I asked the forum visitors to give an approximation as to their age. Most of the forum visitors responded that they were middle aged or older which surprised me since the general perception is that Wow’s population is teenagers and young 20 somethings.

You have a lot of company age-wise in this forum and in-game. Welcome to the club.
And again Happy Birthday!

Which has nothing to do with the average age of gamers who don’t have phones or internet, like the person above you claimed.

Sendryn In life as in this forum. Everyone who posts is expressing their personal opinion.
That is what the forum is for. It is disconcerting that some people find it necessary to argue against another poster just because they don’t agree.

Every single post in these forums needs to be taken with a grain of salt. There is no guarantee that the opinion expressed by any poster is 100% right or wrong.

I had a similar problem with my old lotro account which used an email I no longer had. Luckily their support was awesome and sorted it out in a couple of days.

If something happens to my wow account that is out of my control then so be it. If this was 10+ years ago I would have cared but today? Not really.

I fully understand your feelings. And that’s something that I considered. But here is the conundrum: Let’s say a person cannot log-in to Wow. Effectively being locked out of their account. And lets say after dealing with a system that in my opinion makes them basically jump through hoops with no resolution. And the person decides: “Well I’m done trying to deal with this customer service system. And if this is the way that Blizzard operates. I’m just gonna unsubscribe and close my account.”

Well Since the person can’t access their account. They can’t close it. So the only option is to stay in that limbo, Hoping some day to get access so they can close the account. Mean time every month Blizz charges the subscription fee. Or stop payment at the payment source, which involves more grief.

I dunno. For what it’s worth you might want to look into this. The wow log in screen displays various log-in alternatives. Right on top where the name and password windows are located center screen I noticed it says log in with these. theres a group of icons representing different companies such as google, facebook, apple, playstation, xbox, and nintendo. I guess you can log-in with all of these as alternatives but I don’t know how it works never paid it much attention. you might want to look into that.

I’ve lost quite a fair bit of mmo accounts over the years thanks to an email I used from the 90’s but we’re talking about really old mmos before wow. It is what it is at the end of the day and pretty much all of them don’t even exist today. I did lose my orginal daoc account which sucked since that one is still around to this day, but the freeshards are so much better than retail daoc.

Now there’s an idea op! Forget wow. Go play a free to play mmorpg. that way if there is a problem logging in that can;t be fixed, who cares. Your not paying for it.

their customer service is lame-missing!

If you have ever used the Bliz customer support and you have actually gotten help. Consider your self one of the lucky few. Lol.

Its not just Blizzard. These days with electronic codes and passwords and government ids.
the road is set. Not too far in the future you won’t be able to function in society without the electronic mark of the beast.