Wow Age demographic

Wow has been running now for near 20 years. I know we have a group of people playing who described themselves as senior gamers, I’m one of them. On the internet and in the forums there is no way to verify Wow demographics.

Middle Age now is regarded as 40 years old. I take that to be the median age.

I am over 70 years old. So I consider myself beyond a senior player. At this point I consider myself as an Ancient Gamer lol.

So just out of curiosity I would like to ask people to give their age as Under 40 years old,
or Over 40 years old.



Way over 40


Under…barely lol.

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almost 40 lol

Kinda ironic that the graphic and characters looks so childlike, yet the playerbase is rather “old”.^^

I’m 20 years old!


Older than 40. By more than enough to be called old.

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I’ll be 34 on the 19th next month


Under 40, but only for a few years more.

I like this game, it makes me feel young lol. I thought “senior gamers” would be a joke about people over 30 still playing this game. I was ready to sign up for my Gamers AARP.

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Eventually they’ll give tortollans as a racial option to all of us account holders above a certain age.
Step closer, and don’t mumble.


Over 21 - that’s all I’m saying lol


Under 40. Still a long while yet till I’ll be over.

It definitely brings me a bit of peace seeing this thread because I occasionally feel I’m ‘old’ at 31 but I’m pleasantly proven wrong.

I just got old enough to get senior discounts at businesses.



chars to Mars

Maybe it’s anecdotal, but I really get the sense most of the playerbase is 25+ by now just using the sample size of a handful of WoW-based Discords I lurk in here and there (the sound of adults is fairly easy to distinguish from the sound of teenagers) Also, most of the random “how old are you?” polling threads seem to skew to 25+

This is the opposite of 2004-2010 when it seemed most players were teenagers or late teens

Over 40 here

Over 40, but if I am being honest I have felt like that most of my life.


In my 50s and know a good handful of others in their 50s and up playing still


26, first picked up WoW at 8. Kinda crazy

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44 so probably just shy of the peak of the bell curve of player demographics by age. I imagine 38 or 40 to be the highest number of players age-wise. 70 is pretty awesome tho!