WARNING: Customer Support and Account Validation

Well how about a what-if scenario: Person has a cell phone but for some reason can’t use it for whatever reason: Couldn’t afford the monthly cost anymore? Lost the phone somewhere? Phone got accidentally damaged. Or any one of a hundred random variable events.

This person could not receive a text message to verify their account. Then what?
Lets push it even further: What happens if the person changed cell phone last month and now they have a new number which is not the same number they have on file in their account?

This all could have been avoided if you simply updated your email address…

Update the phone number.


That’s the point that the op is making, reread what the op is advising people to do is update their account information. Before something negative happens.

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And read my point:

Your are making the same point the op is making. Well at least you both agree.

It was not. Read the blue posts that are in this thread.

How about no. All you’ve done is make stuff up and it’s all been nonsense. Based off your posting style, I know exactly who you are and I really hope they make account wide ignore so you can stop getting around everyone’s ignore list.

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Yeah I’m going to be that person…
That they shouldn’t be playing online games, And cut everything that isn’t a necessity until they get back on their feet…

Then get another one they get shipped overnight…cell phone insurance…

See above

Wait till they get their cell phone to play wow again. If it’s lost or damage…

There are steps to rectify that believe it or not.

Any thing else

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But what if my only phone is a rotary phone, and my house burned down and I am staying at a Holiday Inn. And due to an EMP going off, I have no computer to update my email. I bought a second computer from a homeless man on 3rd Ave. Which was just outside of the EMP range. You know, over by the bridge? But the computer has no wifi capabilites, and holiday inn doesnt have a wired connection option.

How am I supposed to log into WoW then?!



Geez. A post is made with the intention of helping wow players and you all go bananas. Lol.

What if actually it’s just you?

Even better yet. What if it was you?

I get macgyver and hire chuck Norris.

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So do stroke victims,and doing things in reverse. I have always wonder why most stroke victims whine up under their beds ,now i know.

I’m not searching through a thread to find your counter. Provide the direct line to Blizzard customer support. The only number found online is to data protection. 877-566-3886.

I’m saying it wasn’t removed because of cost cutting. It was removed for other reasons. I’d repost them, but that just pings Vrak again and I don’t want to do that.

Basically, people were calling in for things that Blizz couldn’t even do, constantly, all the time, so the wait times were astronomical and people that actually needed stuff couldn’t get to support.

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Leave to some people to ruin a good thing. It’s no different than people calling emergency for things like “what time is it?” or tying up personnel for issues that aren’t critical.

I miss there being a blue just chilling in customer support in Diablo 2 back in 2000-2001 and I made super certain that my issue was worthy of their time, but when I got to this person (it was first come first serve right to left migration) after like an hour waiting this blue was so irritable and upset with me before I could half type out my response.

Customer support and dealing with the public gets little to no recognition and then you have tons of people not using it for what it is intended.

As a side note, I used to open phone lines for my college radio station during a break to get feedback on something and I’d say 3 out of 4 would call in acting serious and then finish with screaming or yelling an obscenity. I had to have my mute button at the ready.

I don’t blame Blizz for being harder to reach with support and trying to automate much of it, but it doesn’t mean I like it. I wish it were like it was 20 years ago. But that’ll never happen again and honestly was huge selling point for the company unlike others I need not mention.

Also, yes I keep stuff up to date. I’ve moved several times in the past 6 years so I had to go in and change addresses and such. Also, I make it habit to completely get a new number for Bank cards for reasons of security.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Pretty much.

Very little is automated, though.

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As I stated. I did read through the menu’s and submited tickets and received replies that did not help. It wasn’t until I was able to get resolved at my old email lockout that I could get access to that then to my Wow account again. This after a month of trying.

So out of curiosity what in your opinion could I have done if my old email was unlock-able. Submitting tickets at Blizzard did not help. What could you recommend the next step for me would of helped?

Also This question goes out to anyone who wants to give real solid advice for people in the situation I was in.

I bet you could say this of an extremely high % of all social media accounts :slight_smile: