Warning Communication

Correct. The warning is not an account action, a squelch, or anything of that nature. It’s simply a warning to let you know that multiple people have reported you in a very short period of time, and IF you’re doing something wrong, you should CONSIDER stopping it.

It’s not a judgement, it’s not a black mark, none of that. It’s simply a warning, which is something that players have asked for many times in the past: a chance to correct their behavior before receiving an account action.

No, the use is to treat it as a warning. If a player receives one, and they’re confident they’ve done nothing wrong, then they should simply continue their travels across Azeroth.


Correct, a warning to no longer chat since any of your chat lines whether they break the rules or not can be reported and count against you.

Reports only count against you if there are rules that are broken. Only those reports that actually violate the chat rules cause actions that count against you. Other reports do not. Keep in mind, foul language is not the only kind of chat that can cause silences or suspensions.


That is proven to be incorrect. What’s proven is only the amount matters.

Also incorrect. They all count towards the #.

Gonna be blunt; unless you have some sort of proof for those statements, it’d be best not to say things without anything to back up what ya saying. This isn’t general when we take the word of someone blindly.


Continuing the discussion from Dispute warnings:


I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, but you are 100% wrong. Read Kozzae’s post above with comments from actual Blizzard employees.


The “evidence” mostly shows how the squelch system works.

Not exactly. Yes, the number of reports made can impact the flow of the investigation, but there are a few factors involved. It’s one of the reasons why we aren’t entirely transparent there since so many try to game the system or try to use it to harass others.

You’ll notice some of those emails also say that no further appeals will be entertained, yet in many cases they are.

I’m afraid your lack of insight into the situation is very apparent, Taekwonduwu.

No, I am not specifically a Game Master, however, I have all the tools and abilities of a Game Master and can do everything they can and more. It isn’t my job to, but a lot of what I do requires me to be able to operate in the same way they can.

Additionally, Customer and Technical Support are part of the Support Department, we very much work with and are a part of the same team.

We don’t post in blue with educated guesses without stating as much, that would defeat the weight that a blue reply has.

Only one of us is using third party knowledge gleaned from the internet and it isn’t me.

I think the misinformation train has traveled far enough tonight so I’m going to keep this one locked.