Dispute warnings

Curious if there’s a way to dispute the little warnings that pop up in the corner of the screen? I get reported off and on for sales. It’s in the trade services chat always, always gold only, and always just my guild running the runs, and buyers are all on our server cluster. I’m pretty careful about my posting to make sure it stays in the guide lines for sales. But, it gets to the point where I get so many of these I get a mute, and have to appeal, which takes several days to clear even with disputing the silence. I just want a way to be able to say “hey I think these are for not against the ToS, please don’t count this against me”

Also, if they could add a -this is what you were reported for- on those that’d be nice. I’m 99% sure it’s because of my sales, but people can be interesting. <3

Edit- Don’t be too jealous of my awesome hat, it’s the height of fashion

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Short answer no. Long answer there just warning say hey were seeing a influx of flags your not in trouble but maybe keep a eye on what your doing.


Also theres nothing to apeal gms wouldnt even be able to tell what caused the warning.


That’s just it, I’m not doing anything wrong, people just report sales because either they don’t know it’s fine in the ToS or just don’t like sellers. They stack up, then you get muted despite not breaking rules :frowning:

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That’s literally what the appeals process does. It removes the mark from your account so that future actions do not become more stringent.

That said, if you’re getting reported THAT much, maybe look at what you’re posting and adjust it. Look at the content AND frequency and make some positive changes.

Make sure that you’re following the rules too such as participating in the run with the character that is advertising.

Otherwise, the community gets a say in what they consider spam and advertising too. Be sure to take your community’s best interests in mind too.


I’ve been through the muting before, they were able to look back and see what I was reported for and removed my silence because of those warnings being the vast majority of the reports against me, the other was a gordon ramsey quote someone took poorly

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Id be more worried about the squelch or actual silence. If i had to guess ur posting ur wares too often which could fall under spam if ur the only one selling.


No. Unless they actually manifest into a ticket for review, those reports are simply warnings that other players believe you may be violating policy.

If you are not, nothing really will come of them, so there is nothing to dispute. If they do, and a penalty is issues an appeal is the dispute.

That would be more in lines of a suggestion/feedback, Tii. You can use the submit a suggestion option through the in-game browser in the Support Menu.


I do all that, I don’t like the spam, so I don’t spam either. My usual intervals are maybe 5 minutes or longer, mostly just when I stop in the city on my way to the next thing I’m doing I hit my macro,and leave again. My server cluster only has a few people selling, so we aren’t talking thrall levels of spam here or anywhere near. Generally if I am spending time in town I’m crafting stuff or in the AH, and forget to even hit the button. Heck, the crafters post more than I do, and bigger paragraphs. I’m just hoping for a preemptive look at why I’m being reported before I get silenced again for doing what I’m allowed

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There isn’t a hard and fast time limit that would have you “safe” from spamming, so that is something to keep in mind.

And also, are you advertising on a level 70 character when you’re posting? That’s the only other red flag that tends to get people.

If not my 70 it’s one of my 60 somethings, they’re all in the guild I post for as well. My bank toons I don’t advertise on because of the low levels and the not in the guild. I just got another one, and I’ve hit my button a whole twice in the last hour, and that was once in Alliance and once on a Horde. Sometimes I wonder if someone just doesn’t like me :woman_shrugging:

Under current rules, the posting/advertising character also is required to be a part of the run. So if you’re posting on a level 60 for a level 70 run, that absolutely can land you into trouble.


That could very well be it then. The character you’re advertising on has to be the appropriate level of what you’re selling. So advertising on anything lower than a 70 would absolutely be open for sanction for boosts/carries.


Granted that instance was for someone advertising on a level 1, but it remains the same. That is something you’ll want to watch out for.


Also, the character you are posting on should be in the run as well, and it should only be in the Trade Services channel.

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If I were you, I’d make sure you aren’t spamming it every minute to the point where everyone is like: “oh god this guy is advertising it again” I’d post a two ads at first then wait like 10 minutes to post again.

There is also the possibility that people are using /who. Your name may or may not show up causing people to believe your character is below level 20.

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