Warning Communication

I am really confused “Your recent communication behavior is not in line with how most World of Warcraft players communicate.
You have been reported multiple times for Language, and further reports may result in you losing privileges or being suspended.”

I would love to stop doing these things but I have no idea what I am actually doing to warrant this. Having this artificial boogie man following me around saying "don’t do that " when you have no Idea what “that” is, is really frustrating, confusing, and worrying.

Furthermore I put in a ticket to try and talk to a GM about it and they just sent me back basically a verbatum copy of what the warning message says.

I would love for these strange and peculiar warnings to dissappear. because im not saying anything negative to anyone

I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

I would also like to know what behavior is causing me to get reported , I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what it is.

Furthermore— I am the guildmaster of a rather large guild of 700+ Active Members and I have a feeling its rival guilds or players who might have not met the standards of the guild and they are retaliating but I cant be sure about that but the one thing I am sure of is im not saying negative things to warrant my account being flagged.

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Its a automated message theres no real way to track what u said to warrant it unless u actualy get punished.


i have a feeling because i am the guildmaster of a rather large guild 700+ members that it is a rival guild doing the false reporting.

Thats pure speculation it could be anything from retail to classic like i said unless ur actualy punished its just a warning and u have nothing to worry about.


i figured it was nothing serious because ive not said anything nasty to anyone so i figured it was just some AI stuff or a witch hunt idk i just dont want to be falsely banned by AI or anything

Sigh there no such thing as AI banning thats 100% false EVERY AND EVERY SINGLE PUNISHMENT is handled by a real person the only thing automated is the squelch untill people stop spreading this nonesens this is gona keep spreading.


I put in a ticket to see if it’s just trolls reporting or what it is so I can correct it I guess because it’s very vague with the automated warning thing.

Just close the ticket the GMS have no way of knowing what triggered the warning even the blues cant tell.


I don’t like seeing behavior warnings tho for things I didn’t do? That’s like being blamed for something and then just rolling over without defending yourself when you know you didn’t do anything wrong

If you are reported several times in World of Warcraft for violating the in-game rules, the game will send you a warning letting you know that you will need to be careful or you may get a silence or suspension in game. This is completely automated and cannot be seen or modified by Customer Support. If you receive one of these warnings, it is recommended that you make sure you are adhering to the In-Game Code of Conduct.

If your warning leads to a silence or suspension, you can submit an appeal and Customer Support will be able to review the reports that were made against your account at that time.


It may or may not have been due to retaliation, there is no way of knowing.

What we do know is that if you didn’t do anything wrong you won’t get an account action. You can be reported by 100 people and if you did nothing wrong nothing will happen. The only automated part of the reporting system is a squelch (silence) that is temporary until a GM reviews the reports. If there is nothing there they will remove the squelch. If they find evidence of wrongdoing then an account action will be applied. Each and every report is reviewed by a live person.

Take what you read on the internet or what you see in some streamers video with a grain of salt. There is a well known WoW streamer that claimed that you can be suspended with mass reports. It’s been proven as false. He did receive a suspension, but it wasn’t because he was mass reported, it was for abusing the reporting system because he encouraged his followers to report him.


Are you advertising your guild? Guild runs? Being lazy in BG?

Those are a few of the things that pop up on here regularly, with warnings and disciplinary actions…

There’s at least one thread in general going on about how everyone in the CS forum is “lying” and they have proof that there is “AI banning”…and then they link to a video by some streamer. All I can think is “wow there are some gullible people out there”.


Never know anymore idk imma just play and continue bein quiet lol

Just to set your mind at ease - no matter what the reports are for? People can report you day in and day out. So long as you are abiding by the rules, nothing will happen to you - save for unless it’s enough to trigger the squelch system. If that happens, you’re temporarily silenced for no longer than a 24 hour period while a GM looks over the reports and data. Before that 24 hours is up, either the squelch will be removed or if you ARE breaking some rule, your account will be either full on silenced (with a black mark against the account) or suspended, depending on your account’s history.

But yah. All the reports and warnings in the world do absolutely nothing if you’re not breaking the rules.

…Why does this not surprise me in the slightest?


They prefer to believe a streamer that posts click-bait because he gets paid by the views because they mistakenly believe he isn’t in it for the money.


Narrator: He actually was in it for the money.


Yep…there is an automated squelch if someone gets enough reports in a certain amount of time. That is intended to deal with gold sellers immediately, because there is no way for GM’s to react fast enough. That is the only part of the process that is automated. Squelched accounts are looked at within (usually) 24 hours. If the person didn’t do anything wrong, the squelch is removed and nothing happens. If the person did something wrong, the squelch is removed and an account action is applied (which could be silence, suspension, or ban depending on the history of the account).

Also, if people are abusing the reporting system to squelch people that didn’t do anything, that will also be actioned when the squelch comes up for review. ALL squelch reviews are manual. I believe this happened to a streamer…Blizzard had evidence that the streamer encouraged people (in-game) to abuse the reporting system, and he got an account action for that (likely the people that did the reporting did too).


The funny thing is not even Cms/GMs can tell you what it was, the only use it has is to tell people to stop chatting completely for a while.

The squelch is an emergency button to shut down gold selling spam as quickly as possible, that’s the reason it exists and why it’s automated.